According to the CFR Trump is successfully killing the ‘Liberal World Order’!

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I would not count my chickens before they hatch. These people NEVER give up and is the reason such HATRED for the President is escalating! Don’t let up on the Barrage of Truth against the enemy!

Jamie WhiteThe New World Order is on its last legs because of President Trump, says the Council on Foreign Relations.

“Liberalism is in retreat. Democracies are feeling the effects of growing populism. Parties of the political extremes have gained ground in Europe,” wrote the globalist think tank’s Charles Haass last week.

“Even the US is experiencing unprecedented attacks from its own president on the country’s media, courts, and law-enforcement institutions.”

In other words, Trump has attacked the corporate propaganda media, the liberal kangaroo courts who uphold lawless sanctuary city policies, and the corrupt leadership at the top of the FBI and former President Obama’s DoJ who conspired against Trump and covered for Hillary Clinton.

Interestingly, Haass highlights how populism’s rise worldwide is due to the failures of globalism!

“There are several reasons why all this is happening, and why now,” he wrote. “The rise of populism is in part a response to stagnating incomes and job loss, owing mostly to new technologies but widely attributed to imports and immigrants.”

“Nationalism is a tool increasingly used by leaders to bolster their authority, especially amid difficult economic and political conditions. And global institutions have failed to adapt to new power balances and technologies.”

But the biggest factor in the downfall of the New World Order is Trump’s “America First” policies, he said.

“But the weakening of the liberal world order is due, more than anything else, to the changed attitude of the U.S. Under President Donald Trump, the U.S. decided against joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership and to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement.”

“It has threatened to leave the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Iran nuclear deal,” he continued. “It has unilaterally introduced steel and aluminum tariffs, relying on a justification (national security) that others could use, in the process placing the world at risk of a trade war. It has raised questions about its commitment to NATO and other alliance relationships. And it rarely speaks about democracy or human rights.”

“‘America First’ and the liberal world order seem incompatible,” he added.

No kidding. One represents sovereignty, self-determination, and national pride. The other represents serfdom, global governance, and erosion of national identity.

Take a guess which is which.

Trump often called out the unfair practices of globalist treaties like the TPP and Paris Climate Agreement before withdrawing from them.

“The Trans-Pacific Partnership is another disaster done and pushed by special interests who want to rape our country, just a continuing rape of our country,” Trump said last year. “That’s what it is, too. It’s a harsh word: It’s a rape of our country.”

Given these revelations, it’s no wonder the globalists are pushing for gun control so hard lately — it’s their last chance to consolidate power before it’s too late for them.

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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