Homosexual Sulu still under mind control and being influenced by the Demon Landru

George Takei: Trump Is a ‘Foolish,’ ‘Ignorant’ Troll

A ole Georgie Boy is Accused of Sexually Assaulting Former Model in 1981

Breitbart – [….] George Takei of “Star Trek” fame (Sulu) called President Donald Trump a “troll,” and added that he though Trump was “as foolish and as uninformed and as ignorant as these trolls.”

George Takei said, “Today in this society, we have alien life forms that we call trolls and these trolls carry on without knowing what they’re talking about and knowing even less about the history of what they’re talking about and some of these trolls go on to be presidents of nations.”

“The president was totally ignorant of the history of internment here,” he continued “I invited Donald Trump to come see ‘Allegiance’ that we did on that subject. He never came. so he’s ignorant of that chapter of American history, and these people that are claiming that “Star Trek” is racist genocide or whatever they’re calling white genocide, don’t know what they’re talking about. They’re equal to the president of the United States. I think the president is as foolish and as uninformed and as ignorant as these trolls are.” Source

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