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Mad Maxine: President Trump to Blame for Cops Killing Black People
Sean Adl-Tabatabai | News Punch – Rep. Maxine Waters says she blames President Trump for “cops killing black people” in America.
“I’m reflecting on all of the killings of young black men in particular, but of course black women too, at the hands of the police and at the hands of these white supremacists,” Waters told TMZ.
“And I’m thinking about the way that the president conducts himself — in a way he’s dog-whistling — and I think that they’re feeling that they can get away with this kind of treatment.”
Thegatewaypundit.com reports: So, there you have it: A black man gets killed in Minneapolis, it’s Trump’s fault. When hundreds of thousands of black men got killed during Barack Obama’s two terms in office, many in black-on-black murders, Obama was not, of course, to blame. But times have changed, right?
Trump, for his part, immediately took action.
“At my request, the FBI and the Department of Justice are already well into an investigation as to the very sad and tragic death in Minnesota of George Floyd,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “I have asked for this investigation to be expedited and greatly appreciate all of the work done by local law enforcement. My heart goes out to George’s family and friends. Justice will be served!”
Waters, who has been demanding Trump’s impeachment since the day he took office, told TMZ that the Minneapolis police officer said to be involved — Derek Chauvin, who was filmed with his knee on George Floyd’s neck — “enjoyed doing it.”
“My first thought was, ‘Not again. Not one more killing,’” Waters said. “I think that the officer who had his knee on his neck enjoyed doing what he was doing. I believe sometimes these officers leave home thinking, ‘I’m gonna get me the one today’ — and I think this is his one that he got today.”
Waters said the officer “didn’t care whether or not anyone was photographing him,” and that “he did what he was doing and the officers stood there and watched him.”
The Democrat also said all of the officers are “just as guilty” as Chauvin, adding she’s “glad that all of them were fired.”
“If in fact you have subdued a suspect and you’re not in any danger at all — and handcuffs are on him — there’s no reason for police to do what these police did,” Waters said. “They don’t even mention in the report that the knee was on the neck of George Floyd.”
White House Petition To Remove ‘Dangerous’ Maxine Waters From Congress Gains 125K Signatures
Baxter Dmitry | News Punch – A petition to expel and remove “dangerous” Rep. Maxine Waters from Congress has amassed a staggering 125,919 signatures from patriots, reaching the number required for an official response from the White House.
The “We the People” petition accuses Maxine Waters of promoting violence, and says her behavior is especially dangerous “at a time in our country when liberals are so wildly unhinged and violent, have no control over their emotions and are brainwashed by fake news.”
The White House petition can be accessed here.
“What Waters said, when she called on Americans to “push back” against Trump officials, and make it impossible for them to shop, eat out, or go to gas stations, is one of the most irresponsible statements anyone could have said, let alone a so-called Democrat leader.
“It is especially dangerous to call for public attacks at a time in our country when liberals are so wildly unhinged and violent, have no control over their emotions and are brainwashed by fake news and hoodwinked by lying, sleazy politicians like Maxine Waters.
“Under the circumstances, censure is not enough for Maxine Waters.
“Waters should face expulsion for what she’s done.”
As the White House “We the People” website explains, the petition platform empowers every American citizen “to become an agent of change” – and, if a petition gains 100,000 signatures in 30 days, the White House will “make sure it gets in front of the appropriate policy experts”:
“We the People is a platform that empowers the American public to take this action like never before – it’s a way for anybody, anywhere, to speak directly to the government and become an agent for change.
“With We the People, you can easily create a petition online, share it, and collect signatures. If you gather 100,000 signature in 30 days, we’ll review your petition, make sure it gets in front of the appropriate policy experts, and issue an official response.”
HUD secretary Ben Carson has also criticized Rep. Maxine Waters for trying to shift the blame onto President Trump for problems in her own district.

According to Carson, “basic manners elude” the California lawmaker, who should be ashamed of herself for trying to blame Trump for problems that she has not fixed in three decades. “Shamelessness is a career politician of 30 years laying blame,” said Carson.
Carson was responding after Rep. Maxine Waters issued an astonishingly hypocritical letter attacking President Trump for supposedly being somehow responsible for the homelessness crisis that afflicts Waters’ district among others.
“Your shamelessness knows no bounds,” Rep. Waters wrote in the letter to Trump. “From day one of your presidency, you have attacked our democracy and now you have set your ire on the 550,000 Americans who on any given night experience homelessness.”
If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!
The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.
The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!
Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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