Fight For Them – They Are Your Home

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Ray Gano – Tracye and I have been talking that there is a need for the common person to start thinking about protecting themselves.

Do you know that if you brought a knife to a gun fight, you would most likely win?

This is called The Tueller Drill.

Sergeant Dennis Tueller, of the Salt Lake City, Utah Police Department wondered how quickly an attacker with a knife could cover 21 feet (6.4 m), so he timed volunteers as they raced to stab the target. He determined that it could be done in 1.5 seconds. These results were first published as an article in SWAT magazine in 1983 and in a police training video by the same title, “How Close is Too Close?”

That means that a person that is approximately 21 feet from you or less, they will be able to attack you before you are able to draw a gun.

Watch the following police training video showing that the person with the knife has the advantage over the person with the gun.


That means that one of your most important skills that you have is your situation awareness. In other words, knowing what is going on around you at all times.

In the Army we used to say, “Stay alert – Stay alive”

That is what is needed today.

Fight For Them – They Are Your Home

Tracye and I really do not watch regular TV anymore. What we do watch is a lot of Netflix so that we can control what shows we watch and stay away from a lot of the filth that is on TV.

The other night we were watching Longmire. If you have not seen it, check it out, it is a great show, kind of like a modern western TV show, akin to the show Gunsmoke for today. (for those who may remember Gunsmoke)

In the show there was a scene with Henry Standing Bear (played by Lou Diamond Philips) where he is quoting from a supposed Cheyenne legend… “What Did The First Warrior Say To The Great Spirit”

I am not sure of its authenticity, but it touched a chord with me and reminded me of what it means to live the Last Days Warrior life.

We are to honor God always and protect the innocent, and the ones we love.

Thought I’d share it with you all.

“The First Warrior looked out on the land and his Home.

He saw the hills And the stars And he was happy.

For giving him his home, the first warrior told the Great Spirit that he would fight and win many battles in His honor.

But the Great Spirit said, “No, do not fight for me.

Fight for your tribe,

Fight for the family born to you,

Fight for the brothers you find.

“Fight for them,” the Great Spirit said,

“For they are your Home.”

This is the attitude that all of us must acquire. We need to be our brother’s keeper again and care. We need to start being situationally aware so that we can cover each other’s back.

“According to American Police Beat, the average response time for an emergency call is 10 minutes. Atlanta has the worst response time with 11 to 12 minutes and Nashville comes in at a lightning speed of 9 minutes.”

The Department of Justice, with their statistical prowess, reports that the best response time is 4 minutes and the worst over 1 hour.

Source –  

A lot can happen in 10 minutes. This is why I say that we must start taking responsibility for our lives and for the lives of those we care about around us.

US Suffers Its First Beheading

Woman Beheaded In Oklahoma By Muslim Convert

A fired employee who had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam stabbed two female colleagues – beheading one of them – before an off-duty officer shot him, police have said.

After beheading Colleen Hufford, 54, and stabbing Traci Johnson, 43, multiple times, Nolen was shot by off-duty officer Mark Vaughan, who was working at the business.

During Thursday’s attack, Nolen beheaded Colleen Hufford, 54, with the same kind of knife used in the plant, Lewis said.

Lewis said Nolen also stabbed Traci Johnson, 43, a number of times before company CEO Mark Vaughan, a reserve sheriff’s deputy, shot him.

Source –  

This is the first incident of beheading by a devout Muslim here in the US, we have had a number of more and the numbers are rising.

People need to wake up. Jihad is now on our shores. It has been here for some time now; we just had our heads in the sand about it.

Disturbing video shows young Muslim children at a Philadelphia Islamic center singing about ‘chopping off heads’, martyrdom and ‘defending Palestine with our bodies’

Shocking video has emerged showing a group of young Muslim children in Philadelphia singing of ‘chopping off heads’ so as to ‘liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque’ while ‘defending Palestine with our bodies.’

The clip, which was first uploaded to Facebook by the Muslim American Society Islamic Center in Philadelphia last month, shows a group of children wearing Islamic headdress adorned with Palestinian symbols and colors.

A translation of the video was provided by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

The Muslim American Society issued a statement on Saturday vowing to investigate the ‘unintended mistake and an oversight’.

Source –

We need to wake up and pull our heads out of the sand.

But we need to do more than just that. We need to be ready to defend and fight these as well as bloodthirsty liberal left and now thinks it is their right to attack people just for wearing red MAGA hats.

Like it or not, we are witnessing the beginnings of a war against good and evil.

We no longer have that choice to stay out of this fight. To do nothing allows evil to prevail.

This event is a great example of why we need to regain our resolve and learn to fight again.

We have been the sheep for too long. Now the wolves are beginning the slaughter.

It is time for the Last Days Warrior to stand up and start caring for those whom he or she loves. It is time to stop being the sheep and start being the sheepdog.

The true warrior fights not because he hates what is in front of him. He fights because he loves what is behind him.

We need to start weaponizing ourselves so that we are always ready to protect and defend if / when the situation arises.

Men… I again I leave you with this critical verse…

1 Timothy 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!