How many illegal aliens are really in America?

We’ve been told for 15 years there are 11 million illegal aliens in the country. It’s an obvious lie Have you ever noticed that nobody in Washington can agree on a number? You would think that people with functioning calculators could come to similar math- based conclusions once in a while, but not in D.C. Try … Click here to Read more

Communist Socialist Democrat Voter Base headed to America

Hondurans Paint Swastika On American Flag, Set It On Fire; Wave Honduran Flags, Give Us The Finger See more here  Thousands of Hondurans in U.S.-bound migrant caravan head into Mexico TAPACHULA, Mexico (Reuters) – A U.S.-bound caravan of thousands of mostly Honduran migrants whom President Donald Trump has declared unwelcome, began pouring into the Mexican … Click here to Read more

Nasty Nancy Pelosi: “God is with us” on DACA

Yes Nasty Nancy, god Is with you! The “god” of this world system and his name is Satan! Grabien News – Trying her hand at prophesy, the House minority leader is now saying God is siding Democrats in its efforts to attach Deferred Action Against Childhood Arrivals (DACA) legislation to a House budget bill, an … Click here to Read more

What the HELL is going on? Lady DACA?

This one seems to have slipped under the radar! The Communist Democrats like her along with the Republican Swamp Creatures. Pro-Amnesty, Bush Bureaucrat with Ties to ‘Never Trump’ Movement Confirmed to Lead DHS Breitbart News – The United States Senate voted to confirm former President George W. Bush bureaucrat Kirstjen Nielsen to lead the Department … Click here to Read more