Comcast/Xfinity is Election Meddling in Florida Congressional Race

Comcast Bans Laura Loomer From Sending Texts & Emails to Voters Election meddling 101. Comcast and its subsidiary Xfinity has banned Republican Congressional candidate Laura Loomer from sending out texts and emails to voters in what appears to be yet another example of Big Tech election meddling. “See video. Wow. @Xfinity/@comcast has BANNED Republican front-runner … Click here to Read more

Ilhan Omar’s Brother is a Homosexual and Probably a Pedophile also

Pedophilia is A-OK in Islam Ilhan Omar’s Brother is GAY, She Married Him Anyway DC Dirty Laundry – Do you know what they do to homosexuals in Muslim countries? Laura Loomer just put a whole new spin on the Ilhan-brother Marriage… Are you aware that there is actual proof that Ilhan Omar married, or at … Click here to Read more

Attention President Trump: Action Plan to Save the Internet Delivered to President

Action Plan To Save The Internet Delivered To Trump If you are of the ILK that says this does not effect you, then you are a DUMBASS and are a part of the PROBLEM! Best you read this and take it to heart! The Rat The Pig The Chicken and Cow Alex Jones, constitutional lawyer … Click here to Read more

Sucking the LIFE out of TRUTH!

The left wants a monopoly on what they perceive to be the ’truth.’ Ben Garrison – By censoring Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, and Milo Yiannopoulos, Facebook has made it plain that they can’t deal with people telling Americans the real truth. The Silicon Valley social media and the Deep State corporate media want … Click here to Read more