911 – What about Building 7?

The Deep State got away with it! 22 years later no one has been investigated! Monumental analysis that shatters the official narrative on what really happened to Building 7 on September 11, 2001

The Evil Bastards in the World Economic Forum

WEF’s Harari Threatens Humanity: ‘You’ll Need To Relearn To See and Walk In the Future’ Human beings will need to “relearn how to see and walk”, according to Klaus Schwab’s lead advisor, Noah Yuval Harari, who warned humanity to get ready for a future that will be lived in virtual reality, divorced from the “physical … Click here to Read more

Government Mind Control Conspiracy Theory Is Actually CONSPIRACY FACT!

Government Accidentally Sends Evidence of Top-Secret Mind Control Weapons The government has accidentally sent evidence of a top secret mind-control weapons program in an email responding to a Freedom of Information Act request on a totally unrelated topic. According to the accidentally-released government files, Psycho-electronic weapons are a powerful mind-control weapons system capable of being … Click here to Read more

Doomsday Document From 2020 Proves Globalists Planned Out Their Mass Murder Long Game Food Armageddon

These Days Were Awaiting Us Like A Ticking Time Bomb – Their Plans To Wipe Out The Meat Industry Were Fully Documented As Well  By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die This important story over at the Epoch Times published July 1st titled “‘Doomsday Document’ Predicted Food Shortages Two Years Ago” holds … Click here to Read more

Jezebel Jankowicz A Queen of Disinformation!

Attorneys General from 20 conservative states are threatening legal action against the Department of Homeland Security’s newly formed Disinformation Governance Board, which they said will have a chilling effect on freedom of expression and described as “un-American.” If it were that simple, It would merely be irony that the Biden Administration lead by its chronic … Click here to Read more

Ukraine is Fighting for the NEW WORLD ORDER!

The Truth Comes Out about the War between Russia and the Ukraine. As I always say, just wait a few days and the Poop will Float out of the Sewer! Ukrainian MP Kira Rudyk – “We not only fight for Ukraine, we fight for this NEW WORLD ORDER, for the Democratic Countries. We knew we … Click here to Read more

What Are The Enemies of Humanity Going To Do Next?

Klaus Schwab is telling you what the future has in store! Warning: Major Cyber Attack may be the next event to happen! The global elite are telling you what they have planned next to bring you into submission. A terrifying warning from the World Economic Forum. Are you ready? “Pay insufficient attention, to the frightening … Click here to Read more

The Mind Control Police Are On The Move

The Mind Control Police: The Government’s War on Thought Crimes and Truth-Tellers “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”— George Orwell John W. Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute – The U.S. government, which speaks in a language of force, is afraid of its citizenry. What we are dealing with is … Click here to Read more

Medical Doctors: Pandemic Response Is A Crime Against Humanity

The Lucifer controlled Fake News Outlets and Big Tech Social Media Clowns are suppressing the News YOU need to know! MSM Blackout Of Medical Doctors Pandemic Response Round-table Is A Crime Against Humanity Senator Ron Johnson (R- WI) is the only member of Congress who cares about the truth being hidden by the mainstream media … Click here to Read more

Conspiracy Theory? No Conspiracy Fact

When you try and Break the Spell Cast over the Covid Cultists, they react just as all Lunatics do! They Claimed None Of These Things Could Happen In America, Called Them ‘Conspiracies’ And ‘Unreliable And Harmful,’ Claims, Yet They Have All Come True In The Past Year Or they call you a Racist!    Here … Click here to Read more

American Gulags: Washington State Plan to Send Unvaccinated to Quarantine Camps

Another Blue State Announces Plans For ‘Strike Force’ To ‘Involuntarily Detain’ Unvaccinated “Emergency detention order” would allow citizens to be involuntarily detained and put in isolation and quarantine at the discretion of state health authorities. If you think this will not happen, or you are safe because you’re vaccinated, think again scooter. They WILL come … Click here to Read more