Minneapolis’ Lesbian Police Chief resigns over Muslim cop’s Killing of Unarmed Woman

Jihad Watch – “The recent incidents do not reflect the training and procedures we’ve developed as a Department. Despite the MPD’s many accomplishments under my leadership over these years and my love for the City, I have to put the communities we serve first. I’ve decided I am willing to step aside to let a fresh set of leadership eyes see what more can be done for the MPD to be the very best it can be.”

Good, but unless the “fresh set of leadership eyes” discards the whole idea of “Islamophobia” that assumes Muslims are victims of widespread harassment and discrimination, and in need of special consideration that leads to “nervous,” “jumpy” Muslim police officers being hired and kept on the force despite complaints against them, the new boss will be the same as the old boss. Justine Damond was killed by the culture of “Islamophobia.” But no one, in Minneapolis or anywhere else, is reexamining that.

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