Australia: Riot Police Drag Journalist to the Ground, Arrest Him For Covering Anti-Lockdown Protest

Yet another shocking example of draconian enforcement of coronavirus rules. Paul Watson | Summit News -Video footage out of Australia shows a journalist being dragged to the ground and arrested by riot police for the ‘crime’ of reporting from an anti-lockdown protest. Rebel Media’s Avi Yemeni was doing a piece to camera at an anti-lockdown … Click here to Read more

The Communist Democrats have Activated Antifa Terror Cells

I always thought it would be the Muslim Sleeper cells, but the Communist Terrorist Democrat party has tapped into—and allied with—the Communist Antifa Terror Cells!  Nikita Khrushchev – “We will take America without firing a shot…….We will BURY YOU! We can’t expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist … Click here to Read more

Top FBI Intelligence Analyst Child Predator Arrested and Fired: DOJ WILL NOT Publicly Identify the Pervert

Do you wonder why the Criminals, Pedophiles, along with other Sexual Perversion is rampant and nothing is being done?  It is because MOST of those in LAW ENFORCEMENT and POLITICS ARE the Criminals, Pedophiles, and Satanic Deviates.  It is the Lunatics running the Insane asylum!  It is a pack of Wolves watching over the Sheep! … Click here to Read more

Communist China is Supplying Weapons to Black Lives Matter

I would bet that the Mac Daddy Muslim Barack Hussein Obama and Fast and Furious gun runner Eric Holder are involved—As are all of the filthy Communist Terrorist Democrat Traitors! There are Scum Bag RINO’s in the mix as well! US authorities uncover massive, nationwide weapons trafficking ring run by communist China to arm Black … Click here to Read more

Trump: Our Children Are Taught in School to Hate Their Own Country

Democrats Are Using America’s Younger Generations Like Hitler Did His Nazi Youth From his speech at Mt. Rushmore on July 3, 2020 “The violent mayhem we have seen in the streets and cities — that are run by liberal Democrats in every case — is the predictable result of years extreme indoctrination and bias in … Click here to Read more

Communist Democrats Riot all across the Country and Attack Fellow Communists CNN Headquarters in Atlanta

Democrats Descend On Cities Across America To Exact Vengeance Over George Floyd’s Death Democrat MOB RIOTS in Houston Democrats destroy $30M St.Paul affordable-housing project Minneapolis Burning: Democrat Yells “Shoot the White Folk!” Communist Democrats in Minneapolis Burn Down Post Office Democrat Mob Chases and Harasses Fox News Crew Off the Air Democrats Torch Police Van … Click here to Read more

Special Prosecutor looking into the Corruption of Cook County State Attorney Kim Foxx

Special Prosecutor to Investigative Why Smollett’s Fake MAGA Attack Charges Were Dropped NewsPunch – A special prosecutor has been appointed to investigate why charges against Jussie Smollett were dropped last January, according to reports. Cook County Circuit Judge Michael Toomin ruled Friday that US Attorney Dan K. Webb should examine why Cook County State Attorney … Click here to Read more

The Rise of the American Gestapo

Has It Already Happened Here?   John W. Whitehead | Rutherford Institute   “Adolf Hitler is alive and well in the United States, and he is fast rising to power.”—Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, on the danger posed by the FBI to our civil liberties Despite the finger-pointing and outcries of … Click here to Read more

Jeffery Epstein’s High Powered Customers Threaten Florida State Senator Investigating Sheriff

Florida State Sen. Receives Threats Telling Her To Back Off Epstein Case Baxter Dmitry | News Punch – Florida State Senator Lauren Book, a child sexual abuse survivor who has worked to pass strict sex offender laws in Florida, has received “countless phone calls” warning her to back off the Jeffrey Epstein case. “I’ve received … Click here to Read more

Blowhard Bill de Blasio to Protect Criminal Invaders at all Costs

New York City Mayor tells Illegal Invaders: We Will Do Everything to Protect You What about all of the other Criminals who are breaking the law? The Thieves, the Dope Pushers, the Pimps, the Prostitutes, the Mob Bosses? Are you going to protect them too Scum Bag? Yea, you will and do. But they will … Click here to Read more

Brennan and Comey are Communists: Both Voted for Communist Party Candidates

Both Comey and Brennan Voted Communist While Cold War was Raging Zero Hedge – The heads of Obama’s FBI and CIA both voted for communists during the Cold War, yet were somehow able to move up the ranks within the same US intelligence community that had spent decades fighting that very ideology. Journalist Paul Sperry … Click here to Read more