Obama’s NSA Illegally Spied on Sheriff Arpaio’s Prosecution

Clear parallels to Obama’s wiretapping of Trump

See the News that started it all here, and which the Fake News Networks will NOT cover!

Jerome Corsi – WASHINGTON, D.C. – While the Department of Justice was prosecuting Sheriff Arpaio from 2008 to 2010, the NSA conducted electronic surveillance of the various Arizona judges on the case, on Sheriff Arpaio, and on the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, while the DOJ attorneys for Eric Holder maintained an on-going telephone back-channel discussion with the federal judge assigned to handle the case.

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Project Dragnet: NSA Documents Prove Surveillance on Donald Trump for Years!

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Infowars.com have obtained credible information regarding individual records of U.S. citizens under National Security Agency (NSA) electronic surveillance in the years 2004 through 2010 – a database that documents both Donald J. Trump and Alex Jones were under illegal, unauthorized government monitoring during those years.

Michael Zullo, formerly the commander and chief investigator of the Cold Case Posse (CCP), a special investigative group created in 2006 in the office of Joseph M. Arpaio, formerly the sheriff in Maricopa County, an Arizona State Certified Law Enforcement Agency, headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona.

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Georgia Officials say DHS did it

Georgia official: Cyberattacks linked back to DHS
Secretary of state: ‘It makes you wonder if somebody was trying to prove a point’

(WSB_TV) The Georgia Secretary of State’s Office now confirms 10 separate cyberattacks on its network were all traced back to U.S. Department of Homeland Security addresses.

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DHS Says Georgia Hack May Have Been Rogue Employee

Officials tell members of Congress the attack on state firewall could have been inside job

Lifezette  December 10, 2016 -The Department of Homeland Security told members of congress Friday that a rogue federal employee may have been responsible for a November hack-attack that targeted the Georgia secretary of state’s system, LifeZette has learned.

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