911 – What about Building 7?

The Deep State got away with it! 22 years later no one has been investigated! Monumental analysis that shatters the official narrative on what really happened to Building 7 on September 11, 2001

FBI Whistleblower LEAKS Bureau’s Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide on Militia Violent Extremists

Project Veritas released a newly leaked document today provided by an FBI whistleblower, which shows how the Bureau classifies American citizens it deems to be potential “Militia Violent Extremists” [MVEs]. In the document, the FBI cites symbols, images, phrases, events, and individuals that agents should look out for when identifying alleged domestic terrorists. The “Unclassified/Law … Click here to Read more

Government Mind Control Conspiracy Theory Is Actually CONSPIRACY FACT!

Government Accidentally Sends Evidence of Top-Secret Mind Control Weapons The government has accidentally sent evidence of a top secret mind-control weapons program in an email responding to a Freedom of Information Act request on a totally unrelated topic. According to the accidentally-released government files, Psycho-electronic weapons are a powerful mind-control weapons system capable of being … Click here to Read more

Evidence Shows United States Military Involved in Bio-Weapon Labs in the Ukraine

Russian Embassy Claims US Filled Ukraine With Bio-Labs To Genetically Target Russians Russians accuse America of engaging in research to ‘destroy the Russian people at the genetic level’ Kelen McBreen | News Wars – A CNN affiliate in Southeastern Europe claims the Russian Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina made bold accusations directed at the United … Click here to Read more

Admission that the China Plague was Created in a Lab!

Pfizer CEO Admits COVID-19 Created in Lab Jamie White | News Wars – Pharmaceutical executive covering for US government connection to gain of function research at Wuhan Institute of Virology.  Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla admitted that his company manufactured SARS-CoV-2 in their labs for the development of mRNA vaccines rather than use a naturally-occurring coronavirus. … Click here to Read more

See the Leaked DOD Database Showing US Military Illness Skyrocketing From Covid Jab

The Covid Clown Cult is always screaming about following the Science and Facts…., Well here ya go! Screenshots from DoD’s own internal military database prove post-vaccination miscarriages and cancers up 300 percent over five-year average. A viral video compiled using the military’s own Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) shows vaccine-induced side effects within the DOD’s … Click here to Read more

Conspiracy Theory? No Conspiracy Fact

When you try and Break the Spell Cast over the Covid Cultists, they react just as all Lunatics do! They Claimed None Of These Things Could Happen In America, Called Them ‘Conspiracies’ And ‘Unreliable And Harmful,’ Claims, Yet They Have All Come True In The Past Year Or they call you a Racist!    Here … Click here to Read more

Guess Who is Advising their Citizens to Stock Up Food

It sure isn’t the Loving Folks in Washington DC!   China Reportedly Urging Its Citizens to Stock Up on Daily Necessities In Case of an Emergency! Joe Hoft | Gateway Pundit – The China government is reportedly encouraging their people to stock up on daily necessities in case of an emergency.    Reuters reports: The … Click here to Read more

Life-Saving COVID Treatment Revealed

People are dying because this information is being suppressed Big Pharma & the MSM have launched a massive smear campaign against the Nobel Prize-winning drug ivermectin as the medical tyrants continue to suppress life-saving treatments for COVID-19.  

Will The Saudis Attack Again? Their 911 Ties are Still being Exposed

Even though fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, Osama Bin Laden himself was born in Saudi Arabia and his family and the Bush family are deeply involved with the Saudi Royal family. Meanwhile, newly released unredacted FBI documents revealed an al-Qaeda ‘facilitator’ who worked at the Saudi Consulate as an official … Click here to Read more