False Flag against Commerce and Communications

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Dave Hodges February 28, 2015

One does not need to have insider sources to see the unmistakable patterns emerging from the false flag attack upon Arizona’s Internet covering approximately half of the state, geographically speaking. However, insider sources are beginning to emerge. But first, let’s connect some dots. After 72 hours following the attack on commerce and communications in central and northern Arizona, there are some disturbing details beginning to emerge.Brief Review of the Facts

In Part One, it was established the Internet cables were cut, including those controlling commerce and communications in Arizona, stretching from north of Phoenix to Flagstaff. These cables were located in a remote and hard to access area. The cables were dug up and then cut with precision through a presumably encased and very thick and sophisticated aluminum alloy covering. The perpetrators made a getaway without so much as leaving tire treads or footprints leaving investigators with nothing to go on.

It is also known that the scope of the attack is much more broad and varied than first believed. Both local reports and matching insider reports are beginning to filter in. What is curious is that the BBC and Russia Today are covering this event in greater detail than the local Arizona or American media. After reading this article, the reasons for the media blackout are about to become very apparent.

Sophisticated Attack

This was a very sophisticated operation in which these remotely located cables, in rough terrain were located and cut with precision. The getaway was effected without so much as leaving a clue and we are supposed to believe this was the work of “vandals”.

In Part One, it was established that this false flag attack on Arizona’s communications and commerce was the work of highly sophisticated, well-trained professionals. The location of the cables that were cut is in an extremely remote and rugged area. How did the so-called “vandals” know where to find the location? Some of the cut cables were encased in highly protective and reinforced casings. Therefore, how did they cut these cables which were designed to withstand the use of a hacksaw, which now the authorities are claiming was used? Knowing which cable to dig up from three feet deep in the ground and the prerequisite highly specialized knowledge of the function of each individual cable is important because I have been told that not all cables on the scene were “vandalized”!

Since the event began, I have literally received dozens of tips. With regard to the operational details of the attack, it is not necessary to rely on unknown sources claiming to have information. Here is what else I have learned. The cables were destroyed, and the protective casings were cut through by what is believed to be a laser. There were absolutely no clues left behind. Some present and former first responders believe that there is a chance that satellite imaging could be brought into play and very possibly the crime could be solved. Please keep in mind that President Obama announced a couple of weeks ago that DHS was taking control over all intelligence information from the NSA. If DHS does not bring this capability to bear, then we know where to start looking with regard to the origination point of this false flag attack. The fact that the investigation does, on the surface, appear to be run by the Phoenix Police Department, means that the sophistication needed to solve a crime of this complex nature will not be possible given the resources of a typical police department.

There is widespread awareness within the first responder community that this was a well-orchestrated attack and it has many people freaked out. DHS is in charge of the dissemination of media releases and information and by all reports there are many people who are not on board with what is transpiring. One of the variables that has people absolutely freaked out was that if this attack had gone one step further, critical services offered at several hospitals would have failed and many would have died as backup contingencies would have been rendered inoperable in 48 hours or less. Northern Arizona was also one step away from complete traffic chaos in both Prescott and Flagstaff. The media may not be reporting on how widespread and close to lethal this attack was, but insiders are reportedly reeling from the realization of the devastation that could have been visited upon this area. One former “first responder” told me that the entire grid is exposed and there is no way to defend every inch. Such an attack would render a city into a state of absolute panic as water, electricity and normal service (e.g. hospitals, fire departments, etc.) would be rendered inoperable.
The scope of the attack is captured in this email sent to me from Prescott, Arizona, which was in the heart of the attack zone.

Prescott, Arizona, in the heart of the false flag attack zone.

“The news media has been playing this whole event down, but my wife and I were right in the middle of it.

The media is reporting that Flagstaff’s 911 system remained up. That might have been true up in Coconino County, but 911 went down completely here in Yavapai County. Our 911 service went down along with every other feature of the landline telephone system. We could not even dial “0” to get an Operator.

On Wednesday 25 February 2015, northern Arizona experienced a complete and total breakdown of all Internet and landline telephone service. Most cell phones stopped working, too. Verizon customers still had service, but the cell towers got jammed up with everybody trying to make calls all at the same time. Some of them could only text. This went on for nearly an entire work day.

This event turned out to be a pretty good test of our response to the early stages of a “grid down’ situation.
I became aware of the outage at around 11:45 hours Wednesday. I was due to clock in to my work-from-home job at noon, so I noticed that the Internet was down. I immediately attempted to contact our cable Internet provider to report the outage, but my Centurylink landline telephone gave me nothing but a fast busy signal, both for local calls and for toll-free long distance calling.

The fact that both Centurylink and cable Internet were down at the same time (two entirely different service providers) raised the hair on the back of my neck..

We received reports of banks closing and even of grocery stores shutting their doors due to not being able to transact business without an Internet connection. People could not get cash out of the ATMs. That development does not bode well for our future well-being, if the grocery stores won’t even stay open long enough for the panic buying to begin.
Retail stores across the Verde Valley started closing up before nightfall.

A good friend of ours who works in law enforcement told me (after the Internet came back online) that there had been several fistfights at the gas stations in town. So, there was violence, but it was just boneheads fighting over gasoline…
This was just the Internet and phones, people! Our grid electric stayed on the whole time. Yet people began freaking out and resorting to violence in less than an hour.

We just simply cannot count on the majority of the people around us to act responsibly, or even rationally, once a *full* breakdown of society and services occurs. Those people are likely to completely lose their minds in less than 6 hours, judging from their response Wednesday to something as minor as the Internet and phones going down. I fully expect them to be even worse after 24, 48, and 72 hours.

This is for your approbation. Former Green Beret and present talk show host, JR Moore, once told me that he had knowledge that a Russian team of 16 soldiers, divided into two operational squads could bring down a city the size of Phoenix (four million) in less than an hour.

The Scope of the Attack

On the surface, the attack appears to be confined to one large swath stretching due north from Phoenix to Flagstaff. However, what is unreported in the media, but what has been reported to me is that small pockets Arizona, which were nowhere near the impacted area, also experienced service interruptions at the same time. Here are some excerpts of communications that I have received in the last 48 hours.

“This is the SECOND time in a little over a month, maybe shorter, time it has happened. I live in Payson Az, and the last time they blamed it on a squirrel! Seriously, a squirrel ate through the cables?

NO one up here believes it was an animal. The banks closed last time and no atm’s, no grocery stores, cell phones, land lines or CELL phones…now how did Verizon lose service from a fiber optic eating squirrel!! Nope, this is a beta test and scary it hits us up here, there’s not much up here guys.. 2 x times in a few weeks is bizarre.. should we be more worried than most folks are up here anyway?”

Please note that Payson is over 40 miles away from the impacted area.

In the southern part of metropolitan Phoenix, there was a simultaneous outage at a local high school.

From: dvhcom@tuhsd.k12.az.us
Date: February 25, 2015 at 11:53:23 AM PST
To: …@yahoo.com
Subject: DV Telephone service update

Dear Desert Vista Families,
Please know that our phone lines have been working intermittently from the time that the power outage occurred this morning. We believe we should be operable from this point on. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Desert Vista Administration

A subsequent follow up offered an explanation as to the problem which occurred at the exact same time as the event which took down commerce and communication in central and northern Arizona.

Ahwatukee, located in the southern part of Phoenix, is over 60 miles from the attack zone.

February 25, 2015
11:15 a.m.
Desert Vista Parents,
The power has been restored to Desert Vista High School. SRP tells us there was an equipment failure in the Ahwatukee area and they worked all morning to fix it.
The rest of the school day, including lunch period, will continue as normal. We know this was an inconvenience and we appreciate your continued support.

Christine Barela

It is interesting and suspicious that Payson and this high school located in the Ahwatukee area, which are both well out of the impacted zone experienced simultaneous interruptions of service at the same time as the “main event”. Maybe we could buy into one coincidence, but two, at the same time?

What these two events suggest is that this false flag beta test had two goals: (1) To test the capability to enact a macro event by initiating widespread disruptions; and, (2) The employment of a micro attack upon a small and well-defined geographic area. In other words, the ability to pinpoint an attack upon a specific target was executed along with a widespread attack upon large infrastructure functions were carried out at the same time.

More Reports From Around the Country

Yesterday, I reported on the widespread commerce and communications attack from around the country which happened at the same time. There are still more reports coming in from around the country which point to a sophisticated and well-orchestrated attack that occurred at the same time. These emails/web messages, speak for themselves as to the widespread scope of the attack.

“It sounds like the outage was felt in areas outside AZ, FL and OK: “M” says… “My centurylink internet service was down from about 9:30 pm Wed. the 25th till around 4:00pm Thurs. the 26th . This was in the Raleigh , N.C. area.”
“I live in Panama City Beach, Fl. & tried to use my ATM at 6:10pm yesterday (11/25) and it said “Not Available”……didn’t think anything about it, but WOW !!! Now I do. Time to consider taking all funds out of the bank and go a different route.”
“Lots of military helicopter activity in Phoenix, Flagstaff and Kingman/Bullhead City area over the last 48 hours. None of the local news sources reporting on this or the fact that the outage was more widespread.”


It is clear that this sophisticated false flag beta test attack upon commerce and the communications was a site-selected nationwide test. The ability to wipe out commerce and communications in both a macro and a micro attack upon a selected portion of the grid, was put to the test.

The media blackout is stunning. The silent opposition to these events by insiders, powerless to act, is noteworthy. The danger posed to all of us if these attacks are escalated to include the entire grid are frightening.

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!