Half of Coven Banned: Knesset Bars Reps Omar and Tlaib from entering Israel

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Jeff Dunetz | Lid Blog – After first saying they would waive their anti-BDS law and allow Reps Omar and Tlaib into the country, Israel changed its mind today and decided to ban them from coming into the country on Sunday. In 2017 the Knesset passed an anti-BDS law that blocks foreign BDS activists from gaining entry to Israel as the BDS movement is not only anti-Semitic but calls for the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel.

Note: If anyone needs a refresher on BDS and why it is AntiSemitic, it’s explained in this article.

Interior Minister Aryeh Deri who made the decision said:

“The state of Israel respects the American Congress as part of the close alliance between the two countries. But it is inconceivable that Israel would be expected to let into the country those who wish to hurt it, including by means of the visit itself,

President Trump lobbied hard for Israel the two members of congress. However,  his urging had little to do with the decision to bar Reps Omar And Tlaib. His tweet this morning was made after Israel decided to stop the two. In fact two weeks ago, US Ambassador to the United States Ron Dramer made it clear that Israel would allow the two inside Israel, despite protests from the Trump administration

The change in the Israeli position was caused by the Omar/Tlaib itinerary once they came into the country.  Per the Israeli press, it’s become clear in recent days that the entire visit schedule would be devoted only to the Palestinian Authority and only to East Jerusalem and was intended to provoke provocation and, among other things, to try to advance the BDS agenda of the two. Per Israel’s Labor Minister, the visitation plan they prepared was entirely aimed at provocation and incitement against the State of Israel, and not to study the State of Israel’s activities. In other words, they weren’t coming to Israel to investigate what was happening there, they weren’t even going to visit Israel (only the disputed territories). They were coming to Israel for a big anti-Israel PR event, and to push the BDS call for the destruction of the Jewish State.

Interestingly the action was not without precedent. In 2012, the US State Department banned Israeli Knesset member Michel Ben Ari from coming into the US and to launch a collaborative project between the Knesset and Congress. Ben Ari was considered an extremist both in the US and Israel, just like Reps Omar and Tlaib, but the State Dept. called him a terrorist. At the time Israeli President Rivlin said, The U.S. refusal to grant entry to Ben Ari because of what it said are his ties to a terrorist group amounts to “an assault on the Knesset as a whole. The United  States’ allegation that an MK is a terrorist is unacceptable.”

Democratic Party leaders made it clear to top foreign ministry officials that if Israel bans the entry of Omar and Talib a red line in relations with the party will also be struck, which they claim has already been hurt by Prime Minister Netanyahu’s three-decade-long friendship with President Trump. Many top Democrats complain that friendship motivated the Israeli government to move away from the Democrats. Anyone who makes those claims is either lying for political purposes or hasn’t read a newspaper since 2008.

Read the rest here

See  The Squad? NO the Coven!

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The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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