Will The Saudis Attack Again? Their 911 Ties are Still being Exposed

Even though fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, Osama Bin Laden himself was born in Saudi Arabia and his family and the Bush family are deeply involved with the Saudi Royal family. Meanwhile, newly released unredacted FBI documents revealed an al-Qaeda ‘facilitator’ who worked at the Saudi Consulate as an official … Click here to Read more

Better “Nip in the Bud” People: Muslim Migrants Are Starting To Rise UP!

It won’t be long before the suicide bombings and beheadings start. They are being praised by the Squad Coven Members. The Terror Cells are just chomping at the bit—waiting for the attack orders from the Obama – Soros Cabal! Maybe they are waiting for the Communist Traitors to get in power—so they can reign terror—and … Click here to Read more

Muslim Teen Stabs Swiss Teen who was in a Holiday Krampus Costume 

Switzerland: Albanian Teen Stabs ‘Krampus’ at Holiday Parade Breitbart News – A teenager from an Albanian background was arrested after attacking another teen dressed as Saint Nicholas’s demonic counterpart “Krampus” during a festive parade in Switzerland. The attack took place at a Saint Nicholas parade in the Swiss municipality of Rickenbach in the district of Winterthur … Click here to Read more

Muslim tries to Contact ISIS members to conduct a Terrorist Attack

Took them nearly a year and a half to charge and lock the Muslim up! South Florida Resident Arrested For Soliciting Another to Commit a Violent Crime against College Deans MIAMI – Salman Rashid, 23, of North Miami Beach, Florida, was arrested in South Florida based on a criminal complaint charging him with soliciting another … Click here to Read more

Half of Coven Banned: Knesset Bars Reps Omar and Tlaib from entering Israel

Jeff Dunetz | Lid Blog – After first saying they would waive their anti-BDS law and allow Reps Omar and Tlaib into the country, Israel changed its mind today and decided to ban them from coming into the country on Sunday. In 2017 the Knesset passed an anti-BDS law that blocks foreign BDS activists from … Click here to Read more

SriLanka Easter 2019 Terrorist: Anyone who disagrees with Muslims should be killed

One of the alleged suicide bombers responsible for the terror in Sri Lanka previously made a video in which he stated “anyone who disagrees with Muslims should be killed.” Imam Mohamad Tawhidi posted a video of Islamic extremist Zahran Hashim uttering the statement, which was made in front of a backdrop showing a knife and … Click here to Read more

Arizona Muslim Murders Wife and Daughters in “Honor Killing”

Look in those eyes. You can see the Jinn, the demons, looking out at you! This Muslim is Possessed! Arizona: Muslim murders his wife and two daughters, says Allah told him to do it Jihad Watch – “He said that the reason he shot these individuals is because in God’s eyes, it was all right … Click here to Read more

Why won’t the MSM Talking Heads tell you about the Murdering Muslims around the World?

Answer: Because they can’t use it to push Gun Control here in America –  blame Trump for it – or push for internet censorship! They will NOT criticize their gods that they are using as pawns! Christian woman forced to watch Muslim terrorists butcher her husband But let a Nut Job, who may be a … Click here to Read more

You can’t Legislate and Regulate Muslim Hatred and Sin!

Crime Wave UK: Govt Moves to Stop Knife Sales as Blade Crime Hits 7-Year High Terrorist Abu Muhammad al-Adnani said in 2014. “If you are not able to find an IED or a bullet, then single out the disbelieving American, Frenchman, or any of their allies. Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him … Click here to Read more

A Wicked Evil Fool is running London!

London Mayor Sadiq Khan Wants to Ban Cars from Parts of City to Prevent Terror Attacks Proverbs 29:2 “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”  This Muslim Fool has a long list of things to Ban that his Fellow Fools can get their filthy … Click here to Read more