FBI Paid $100K for Fake Trump Dossier during Election

Traitor John McCain helped Broker Classified Deal With Comey

True Pundit – FBI insiders say fired FBI Director James Comey and Andrew McCabe, deputy FBI director, used Bureau funds to underwrite the controversial dossier on President Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election, sources confirm.

And the deal to dig dirt on a presidential candidate was put together with the help of Sen. John McCain, sources said.

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Former FBI Director and Colluding Liar James Comey’s Clinton Foundation Connection

Breitbart News – Washington, D.C. — A review of FBI Director James Comey’s professional history and relationships shows that the Obama cabinet leader — now under fire for his handling of the investigation of Hillary Clinton — is deeply entrenched in the big-money cronyism culture of Washington, D.C. His personal and professional relationships — all undisclosed as he announced the Bureau would not prosecute Clinton — reinforce bipartisan concerns that he may have politicized the criminal probe.

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