U.S. Accused of Training Iranian-Tied Forces in Iraq

Obama admin denies charges, insists there is convergence of U.S.-Iranian interests

Free Beacon December 16, 2016 – The United States military is facing accusations that it has been training Iraqi militia fighters who are tied to Iran, a charge that military officials who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon denied this week while insisting that the United States and Iran share common goals in the war-torn country, as both sides fight to eradicate the threat of Islamic State terrorists.

The latest charge that the United States may be directly involved in the training of Iranian-backed militia fighters has reignited concerns that America is becoming too cozy with Iranian interests operating in Iraq, an issue that highlights the difficultly facing U.S forces as they seek to counter the influence of ISIS.

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CIA caught off guard?

CIA caught off guard by Islamic State’s rise in post-Moammar Gadhafi Libya… NOT!

This is truly “Government Propaganda” in its purist form. These people knew exactly what they were doing. Hillary Clinton was head of the state dept and was running the operation.

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ISIS kill list

FBI didn’t inform some Americans they were on ISIS kill list

Circa News June 27, 2016 – The FBI did not alert numerous Americans that they were placed on secret Islamic State kill lists or notify their local police about the potential dangers, a lapse in the government’s efforts to combat the terrorist group’s evolving strategy to target everyday citizens.

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