Ukraine War Crimes

Ukrainian Soldiers Torture Russian Prisoners! Shoot them in Crotch and Knees All is fair in love and war right? Even the Communist Democrats don’t deserve to be treated like this!! Shocking video from Ukraine purportedly shows Ukrainian forces shooting and torturing Russian prisoners of war, prompting several journalists to call for an official investigation into … Click here to Read more

Evidence Shows United States Military Involved in Bio-Weapon Labs in the Ukraine

Russian Embassy Claims US Filled Ukraine With Bio-Labs To Genetically Target Russians Russians accuse America of engaging in research to ‘destroy the Russian people at the genetic level’ Kelen McBreen | News Wars – A CNN affiliate in Southeastern Europe claims the Russian Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina made bold accusations directed at the United … Click here to Read more

Ukraine is Fighting for the NEW WORLD ORDER!

The Truth Comes Out about the War between Russia and the Ukraine. As I always say, just wait a few days and the Poop will Float out of the Sewer! Ukrainian MP Kira Rudyk – “We not only fight for Ukraine, we fight for this NEW WORLD ORDER, for the Democratic Countries. We knew we … Click here to Read more

Fake News Propaganda: Fool Me Once Shame on YOU – Fool Me Twice Shame on ME!

It’s time to admit YOU have been Fooled and Gaslighted for far to long people!  We expect it from CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and the rest of the Communist Fake News Outlets, But…, you Fox News and News Max Groupies need to Wake the Hell UP Also! Manipulation… Ukraine: The Propaganda Wars Stunning Admission: … Click here to Read more

EMP Threat Is More Lethal To America Than Ever

Forget Covid, This Is What Could Bring America To Our Knees In Minutes: The Russian EMP Threat Is More Lethal To America Than Ever – The Russian Federation’s Military Doctrine, Plans, and Capabilities for Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack Story submitted to All News Pipeline by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, Executive Director of the EMP Task … Click here to Read more

Civil War IS Coming in November 2020

We are seeing the prelude, the skirmishes if you will!! They want war, they got it. Sharpen your K-bars, sight them in real good and make sure you get more than your bag limit!!! The Deep State Democrats accuse Trump of planning a Civil War to retain power after his projected defeat in the upcoming … Click here to Read more

Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam Stripped of Guns: Looney Tunes has gone Lunatic

Yep, the Lunatic Leftists have gone Looney! They are the Enemy’s of Humanity and will NOT STOP pushing their Lunatic Luciferian Agenda!! Yosemite Sam and Elmer Fudd are being stripped of their guns Neon Nettle – Looney Tunes has announced it is stripping guns from their popular cartoon characters Yosemite Sam and Elmer Fudd as … Click here to Read more

Defector told of Russian and Chinese Germ Warfare in 1999

From the Fake News Communist Rag New York Times. Is this True? Even a broken clock gets it right 2 times per day! I preserve it here because we all know how they like to SCRUB stuff from the internet! April 5, 1999 Defector Tells of Soviet and Chinese Germ Weapons By WILLIAM J. BROAD … Click here to Read more

Iran Has Hezbollah Sleeper Cells in the U.S. Ready to Strike

Ali Kourani previously tasked with conducting surveillance of JFK & Pearson airports. Paul Joseph Watson | Info Wars – The threat posed by Iran-backed Hezbollah sleeper cells embedded in major American cities has once again come to the fore following the killing of Iran’s Quds Force General Qasem Soleimani. Following last night’s assassination of the … Click here to Read more

1983 CIA Document Reveals Plan to Destroy Syria for Oil

Although the Bible predicts the Destruction of Damascus and can’t be changed, the reason why is nefarious. Greed and the Murder of Christians is the likely reason! It is the same reason they cooked up the Osama Bin Laden lie to take over Afghanistan! The Taliban would not let a pipeline be built across Afghanistan! … Click here to Read more