How the United Nations is Working to Complete the Destruction of America and is Behind The Mass Censorship of Conservatives

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YOU  need to let that sink in people! The Democrats ARE the Enemy of America!!!

As you will see in this article All News Pipeline is being Censored. I too am being censored. Right now I am in ANOTHER 30 day ban on Fascist book until October 8, 2018. Why? Just for telling the TRUTH about the LGBTQXYZ Perverts and Islam! Speak about their gods and they react!

Should Democrats win the White House in 2020, America’s final fall into tyranny will be swift and complete

By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die

Back on August 30th, the New American published a story within which they reported that a fringe Islamic prince who had become the United Nations ‘High Commissioner for Human Rights’ had set a new target: free speech on the internet. Famous for comparing President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler and for protecting UN child-raping troops from being prosecuted, Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein called on big tech to proactively step up their censorship campaigns, with facebook and google more than happy to comply with his demands.

Also a frequent advocate for gun control in America, al-Hussein’s bid to take down ‘free speech’ was centered upon stopping ‘hate speech’ while also demanding that the internet be governed by ‘United Nations human rights law’, which as we’ll see detailed below, is completely different from the inalienable, God-given rights that we have here in America, rights that are protected by the US Constitution: The UN’s version of ‘human rights’ can be taken away by government. 

And with ‘hate speech’ still ‘protected speech’ here in America despite the fact that many on the left would be happy to criminalize such speech, what is ‘hateful speech’ to some is clearly much different from what is ‘hateful speech’ to others, with the left somehow insanely believing that they hold the moral high ground on what is ‘hateful’ and what is ‘righteous’ despite their full embrace of the totalitarian, luciferian doctrine of the globalists. 

And we’re now seeing more of the results of the UN/globalists/democrats bid to censor those who are opposed to their totalitarian globalism, with All News Pipeline once again under massive and seemingly co-ordinated attacks by ‘big tech’.  As you can see in the recent screenshots below, both youtube and pinterest have delivered blows to our ability to both publicize our stories and make money for our videos, with pinterest taking down the ANP board while youtube has taken away our ability to monetize our videos.  

As Susan Duclos told me, the only thing that she’s ever posted to pinterest is our ANP stories yet according to pinterest, our ‘All News PipeLine’ board has been removed because it included many ‘pins’ that went against their policies on ‘hate speech’. For those who’ve been reading ANP for quite some time, you’re well aware of the kinds of stories that we publish here. Are our stories ‘hate speech’ in your minds? We remind you that it has long been said that truth will be treason in the empire of lies, the empire constructed around the American people over the past decade+ by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, RINO’s in Congress and the mainstream media. 

So are ANP stories ‘hate speech’ or do they just contain the kind of information that the mainstream media isn’t publishing, information that absolutely NEEDS to be published so that people can make their own decisions upon, rather than solely taking the word of the mainstream media outlets that have been pushing the globalists agenda for many years? 

And as we’ve seen in the UK, Canada and throughout much of Europe, speech is being criminalized with those who insult Islam being put into prison while here in the US and twitterville, the latest acts of censorship finds twitter suspending an Infowars account for criticizing Barack Obama. Yet the left throws mud at President Trump on twitter as if he were their punching bag and twitter allows the insults every day, hour upon end. 

And while Democrats dare to soil the name of Brett Kavanaugh by insinuating he participated in ‘rape gangs’ more than 30 years ago, in the UK and elsewhere in Europe, very real Islamic ‘rape gangs’ are targeting and terrorizing innocent women but Tommy Robinson found out what happens when you report upon that kind of thing: they persecute you

While ANP didn’t make all that many videos, and all of the videos which we made were totally original with only brief snippets of our source material, youtube has also attacked ANP, demonetizing our channel so that any videos we make, we can no longer make money off of. Yet, of course, somehow youtube will continue to make their money off of the videos we produce, another reason to ditch youtube in its entirety for Mike Adams’ ‘Real.Video’. In the only video at the bottom of this story, Adams talks with us about how we can fight back against ‘big tech’, specifically talking about bringing a peaceful and lawful war to google. 

While Conservatives have seen the majority of the massive big tech censorship over the past year as ANP and other independent media outlets have been reporting upon regularly, this August story over at MIC reports that it’s not only Conservatives who have taken a huge hit since the election but many far-left, ‘anti-establishment’ outlets have been clobbered, too.

And as their story reports, these leftists who are being censored by facebook and other big tech outlets such as google and twitter are standing up for Alex Jones, Infowars and the 1st Amendment, not piling on Jones and Infowars as CNN, MSNBC and all of the rest of the fake news outlets as well as ‘antifa’ are doing. “Censorship is the new front on the war on consciousness” Activist Post recently reported

So what are the differences between ‘United Nation Human Rights Law’ and the laws of the US Constitution, which protect our God-given rights here in America? The extended excerpt below comes to us from this 2015 story over at the New American which was written about how the UN has been exploiting ‘pseudo’ human rights to attack the US while their own soldiers continue to do harm to others where ever they go. 

Our Rights vs Their “Rights”

Many, if not most, UN atrocities were perpetrated under the guise of bringing what the global body refers to as “human rights” to target populations. Of course, the notion of “human rights” sounds great — after all, what could be wrong with rights for humans? Unbeknownst to average Americans and humanity as a whole, though, is that the UN means something very different when it discusses “human rights” than, say, the unalienable, God-given rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

In the American system, rights such as self-defense, free speech, religious liberty, trial by jury, privacy, property, and gun ownership are endowed by the Creator upon every individual — a truth that America’s Founding Fathers viewed as “self-evident.” Because individuals’ human rights come from God, then, they cannot be legitimately infringed upon by any government. In fact, according to the Founders, government was instituted for the express purpose of protecting those God-given rights from infringement.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,” explains the American Declaration of Independence, which formally gave birth to the independent United States of America. “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men.” As Alexander Hamilton put it in 1775: “The sacred rights of mankind … are written … in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.”

Under the UN’s version of human rights, however, “rights” are purportedly defined and granted to people by governments, treaties, and international organizations. Even more troubling, perhaps, is that they can be restricted or abolished by government at will under virtually any pretext, as the UN’s own “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” openly admits. And in no case may those alleged “rights” be used against the UN.

Consider Article 29 of the declaration, which claims that “everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.” Yet, separately, the same article claims that everyone has “duties to the community” and that “rights and freedoms” may “in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.” For perspective, that would be like the First Amendment saying Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, unless that speech is being used to criticize Congress or otherwise makes Congress unhappy.

Which is almost exactly what we’re now seeing from big tech and the left as they attempt to squash anybody or anything that will expose their corruption, corruption that has gone on for decades in this writer’s opinion. 

As we see in the next screenshot above, the all-out attacks upon ANP continue with nearly 1,000 in the past week alone with a high of over 200 on Thursday, a day in which, coincidentally, or not, our story titled “A Chilling Look At China’s New ‘Digital Dictatorship’ And ‘Technological Tyranny’ Gives Us A Peek At The ‘Mark Of The Beast’ System Coming To America” sat upon the top of Steve Quayle’s website much of the day.  

So what are ‘big tech’ and those who are doing the censoring of ANP so afraid of? Compared to outlets such as Breitbart, Infowars, and the Drudge Report, ANP is ‘small fries’. Rather than an entire army of reporters and editors and other staff, ANP is run daily by only Susan and I, with our awesome guest authors such as Dr Peter Vincent Pry, William Stoecker, John Velisek and Robert Kirk submitting stories whenever they want to.  

In fact, we’ve invited leftist authors to submit stories to us as well for publication after our review of their stories, showing that we’re more than happy to allow our platform to be used by those who we may not agree with to get their message out. Who knows what we might learn from a well written, well sourced story that shares opposing viewpoints. Yet all the left wants to do is shut us down and shut us up. Why such a huge disparity? Freedom allows differing opinions and even what some might consider ‘hatred’. Totalitarianism doesn’t, unless its the mob rule and their hatred for anything and everything they disagree with. 

And another Conservative recently blocked out of posting on twitter was James Woods who months ago posted the absolutely hysterical ‘soy boys’ meme seen above urging men to ‘make a woman’s vote worth more’ by staying home, a meme that even Woods in his tweet said was probably not real, though it could be, in these days of absolute liberal insanity that we’re now living through.

As twitter notified him, the tweet “has the potential to be misleading in a way that could impact an election” and as this recent Fox News story reports, Woods refuses to remove the meme on the basis of principle. 

Yet how many lies does twitter allow the mainstream media to push on twitter, lies that were told by msm outlets during 2016 that were used in attempts to impact the election in Hillary Clinton’s favor? The hypocrisy from the left is clearly deafening and as Lindsey Graham recently warned, if they EVER get back into the White House, watch out! Should Democrats win in 2020, America’s final fall into tyranny will be swift and complete.  

So despite all of the censorship and the numerous attacks upon us, with your help, ANP will continue to fight onwards into 2019 and hopefully far beyond. Thank you so much from both Susan and I to those who have already donated. God Bless. 

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!