Communist Democrat Governor who Pulled National Guard Troops from the Border now Demands Federal Help

“She declares there’s no crisis. She removes the National Guard, and now she’s there asking for money.” That is a typical Ass Clown Democrat for you! Border crisis so bad liberal politicians forced to address surge of Illegals Kelen McBreen | News Wars – New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) is asking the federal … Click here to Read more

Bobby O’Rourke the Communist’s Court Jester

“Better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt” – Whoever coined it! Ecclesiastes 7:5 “It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.” Ole Bobby O’Rourke apparently has not read the following Proverb: Proverbs … Click here to Read more

Mexicans gone Mad?

Here are three stories that should make  your blood boil> They are all south of the American border in good ole righteous Mexico!

Mexican Archdiocese: Those Helping Trump Build Wall Would Be ‘Traitors to the Homeland’

An editorial in the weekly publication of the largest Mexican Roman Catholic Archdiocese, Desde la fe— Catholic Seminary of Information and Training—warned Mexicans that helping President Donald Trump build a wall on the United States border would make them “traitors of the homeland,” Reuters reported.

“Any company intending to invest in the wall of the fanatic Trump would be immoral, but above all, its shareholders and owners should be considered traitors to the homeland,” the editorial said. Read it all here.

Mexican man cleared in sexual assault of schoolgirl because he didn’t ‘enjoy’ it

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