Hollywood Producer Steve Bing is another Addition to the Clinton Body Count

Vigilant Citizen has the wrong title. It should say “Dead after being THROWN OFF of a Building”! Another victim to add to the Clinton Body Count!!!  He does correct that in the last sentence of this article The elite financier and friend of Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein is said to have thrown himself from … Click here to Read more

Demand that Bill Gates be Arrested for Crimes Against Humanity come out of Italy

I would also add his Hussy Jezebel Melinda Gates and the whole of the Gates Foundation, W.H.O. head Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Muslim Barack Hussein Obama and his Tranny man Michael, George Soros, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx, Bill – Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, along with the entire Clinton Foundation! There are many, many … Click here to Read more

Mac Daddy Barack Obama Foundation Audited

Is the Barack Obama Foundation following the Clinton Foundation on the pathway to charity fraud?

Jerome Corsi | Infowars.com – WASHINGTON, D.C. – The IRS Form 990 tax filings reported by the Barack Obama Foundation in 2014 and 2015 shows Obama has hired as the foundation’s accountant a small CPA firm in Chicago that has been reprimanded by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board in Washington, D.C., for having filed a audit considered deficient according to industry accepted accounting standards.

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Russian Bank Docs Show How Putin Laundered Money to Hillary & Podesta

Now we know why Clinton & Co. were so desperate to frame Trump with ties to Putin

By Jerome R. Corsi Infowars.com

Today Infowars investigative journalist Jerome Corsi met with former vice-head of Armed Services Committee and the House Homeland Security Committee, Curt Weldon, to discuss his committees’ deep research into the Clinton technology transfers to Russia in exchange for Clinton Foundation donations.  Weldon validated much that is presented in the following article, which is part one of a series of investigative articles coming out over the upcoming week based on intel by Weldon and other sources:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congress may want to examine concrete evidence showing Russian President Vladimir Putin paying Hillary Clinton and John Podesta for a long time before the mainstream media goes even more overboard trying to fabricate a tie between Putin and President Donald Trump.

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