Total Police State in America will be the New Normal

Unless YOU   do something, and tell the Bastards NO! Deprogramming, Defunding, De-platforming and Soon-to-be the Delousing of FEMA Camp Detainees Represents the New Normal Dave Hodges | Common Sense Show – It is easy to recall the works of the communist prophet, Obama, when he called for a civilian military force that “was just … Click here to Read more

Long Legged Mac Daddy Muslim Barack Hussein Obama: Jokes ‘I Was Able to Get Away With It’

Obama Jokes About Not Being Born in the USA: ‘I Was Able to Get Away With It’ — And Here’s Proof He Was Born in Kenya Humans are Free– Back in 2007 Hillary Clinton and her campaign circulated a memo promoting Barack Obama’s “lack of American roots” and reportedly began the “birther controversy.” “[Barack Obama’s] … Click here to Read more

Civil War IS Coming in November 2020

We are seeing the prelude, the skirmishes if you will!! They want war, they got it. Sharpen your K-bars, sight them in real good and make sure you get more than your bag limit!!! The Deep State Democrats accuse Trump of planning a Civil War to retain power after his projected defeat in the upcoming … Click here to Read more

Communist China is Supplying Weapons to Black Lives Matter

I would bet that the Mac Daddy Muslim Barack Hussein Obama and Fast and Furious gun runner Eric Holder are involved—As are all of the filthy Communist Terrorist Democrat Traitors! There are Scum Bag RINO’s in the mix as well! US authorities uncover massive, nationwide weapons trafficking ring run by communist China to arm Black … Click here to Read more

A Generation of Obama Brown Shirt Anarchists has Risen

With the move to defund and disband police, we can now see the fulfillment of the long legged Mac daddy,  along with George Soros’ plan to cause race riots and the rise of a Brown Shirt Brigade! See video below! On July 2, 2008 in Colorado Springs Colorado, then Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama said … Click here to Read more

Mr. Attorney General Please Start with these Domestic Terrorists

He can start with these no good Communists. Start at the top and work your way down Mr. Barr! Like they say, “the fish rots from the head down”! Barr says feds will treat instigators of riots as domestic terrorists under federal law AG says violence ‘undercuts the urgent work that needs to be done … Click here to Read more

Things the Muslim Jihadist Obama Said

Mike Gallagher, the 8th most recognized talk radio personality, in the U.S.A., is heard by over 2.25 million listeners weekly. He compiled and wrote the following essay entitled, “Obama: It was You.” * It was you who spoke these words at an Islamic dinner – “I am one of you.” * It was you who … Click here to Read more

Chi-Comm’s Attack Secretary of State Pompeo

Communist Chinese Government Calls US Secretary Of State ‘Sinister’ Threat To World Peace Chinese propaganda machine claims that a US Army reservist brought the coronavirus to China from a US military lab NO…, It was Dr. Anthony Fauci and the OBAMA administration that sent it there and gave them $3.7 million to weaponize it! Origin … Click here to Read more

Former OBAMA administration Acting Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Indicted on Theft of Government Property and Scheme to Defraud the United States Government

DOJ – A federal grand jury in the District of Columbia returned a 16-count indictment against a former Acting Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and a former subordinate for their alleged theft of proprietary software and confidential databases from the U.S. government as part of a scheme to defraud the … Click here to Read more

Dirty Democrats Creating Hundreds of Fake News Websites

The Tech-Giants,  Face Book, Twitter You Tube, Goggle, as well as the other major search engines, will help promote these devils. They do all they can to censor and eliminate any Christian and Conservative websites. Don’t believe me? Just go to one of my websites, copy an exact headline and check in the engine you … Click here to Read more

AFP & Reuters scrub story about 100,000 detained migrant children after UN says it happened on Obama’s watch

RT – Several news agencies have opted to delete a story stating that 100,000 migrant children were detained in US border facilities after the United Nations clarified that the number is years old, predating the age of Trump. After media outlets published stories trumpeting the 100,000 figure earlier this week, based on the word of … Click here to Read more