The Luciferian Deep State IS Preparing to Bring Back FULL Covid Restrictions – Rollout to Begin Mid-September

TSA & Border Patrol whistleblowers have alerted Infowars of a Biden administration plot to unleash a FULL Covid lockdown that will begin in September. Whistleblowers from the TSA and Border Patrol have raised the alarm to Infowars that the Biden administration is setting the stage for full Covid lockdowns that will begin with incremental restrictions … Click here to Read more

Lack of Fertilizer WILL Affect The US Food Supply Chain – What You Can Do To Prepare

Raymond Mhor – It is August 2022, the US food supply chain is in a crisis right now. Much of this has to do with a number of factors: We are still rebounding from the Covid 19 Pandemic Massive drought in food producing areas in the US Skyrocketing fertilizer prices Over worked food supply chains … Click here to Read more

Fully Vaccinated and Boosted Pedo Joe Biden gets the China Virus

Joe Biden, who told Americans last year, “You’re not going to get covid if you have these vaccinations,” has just tested positive for COVID after having had four vaccinations. “This morning, President Biden tested positive for COVID-19. He is fully vaccinated and twice boosted and experiencing very mild symptoms,” said a statement by White House … Click here to Read more

The Monkey Pox Fear Mongering and What You Need to Know

MonkeyPox Fears May Rescue Endangered Corporations Two corrupt companies were in rocky financial territory just a few weeks ago. Now, with concerns over a global monkeypox outbreak being hyped by media and global health organizations alike, the worries – and sins – of these two firms are quickly being forgotten. Monkeypox Vaccine Funded By Fauci … Click here to Read more

Dr Death Anthony Fauci is AWOL

Where has Dr. Fauci gone? All of a sudden the fame addicted Vaccine Dictator has disappeared. Could it have something to do with the 55,000-page set of documents recently released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) revealing to the public the data Pfizer submitted to the … Click here to Read more

Global Food Supply Collapse: Multi-Dimensional Planned Disaster

Add to the following article, written on November 2021, the Russia/Ukraine War and it is more clear what is afoot! Just this morning, 3/8/22, Drudge has a headline of $300 a barrel oil! We Will see $7-$10 a gallon fuel. That will translate to severe food shortages, and IF you can get it, you won’t … Click here to Read more

Evidence Shows United States Military Involved in Bio-Weapon Labs in the Ukraine

Russian Embassy Claims US Filled Ukraine With Bio-Labs To Genetically Target Russians Russians accuse America of engaging in research to ‘destroy the Russian people at the genetic level’ Kelen McBreen | News Wars – A CNN affiliate in Southeastern Europe claims the Russian Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina made bold accusations directed at the United … Click here to Read more

History Repeats: Mad Men Are Using Science and Medicine to Cull Humanity

There are more Cloaked Nazi’s today than there were who worshiped Hitler! Adolf Hitler used “science” and “medicine” to justify his eugenics / depopulation programs, and today’s vaccine pushers are walking in his footsteps Ecclesiastes 1:9-11 “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which … Click here to Read more

Bill Gates and His Pals Are Gearing Up for THEIR Next Man-Made Plague on Humanity

What will it be this time? Ebola, the Hemorrhagic Fever that could be released on Olympians in China? Small Pox or Ebola: Which Plague will be Weaponized and RELEASED on Humanity Next? The Luciferian Bastard is telling you what they are going to do just like they did when Dr. Death Fauci said Trump would … Click here to Read more

Heads Up Homesteaders and Preppers: They are Setting the Stage to Come After your Poultry!

Don’t Worry, Be Happy, Fret Not, go about your business! Why? Because your saviors like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Dr. Death Fauci, and the rest of kingdom of darkness will come up with a plan to Save YOU! Highly lethal bird flu found in Kentucky and Virginia flocks raising fear of wider outbreak in poultry … Click here to Read more

Admission that the China Plague was Created in a Lab!

Pfizer CEO Admits COVID-19 Created in Lab Jamie White | News Wars – Pharmaceutical executive covering for US government connection to gain of function research at Wuhan Institute of Virology.  Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla admitted that his company manufactured SARS-CoV-2 in their labs for the development of mRNA vaccines rather than use a naturally-occurring coronavirus. … Click here to Read more