Could it be that Canadian Soy-Boy Punk Justin Trudeau is a Bastard Spawn of Communist Fidel Castro?

They sure look alike! Justin Trudeau is a Bastard Spawn of some Communist! Like Castro, Canadian prime minister has transformed his country into a dictatorship — but there are other more compelling similarities. And if you did not know, the Sins of a Father are handed down to his offspring! Its where the saying “Like … Click here to Read more

Fascist Book Censors Grieving Father Who Lost His Young Son

Father Whose Son Died From Vaccine-Induced Heart Inflammation Censored By Facebook Big Tech trying to silence family members who lost loved ones to the COVID injection. Ernest Ramirez, a grieving father who lost his son to the COVID injection, was censored by Facebook over the weekend following his interview with Alex Jones. Ramirez had tried … Click here to Read more

Puppet Biden Declares War on America: Announces Dictatorial Powers with Forced Injections!

Biden just declared himself medical dictator over America. No State’s rights. Total power over all private businesses, just like the CDC claiming authority over landlords. This is a global corporate takeover of America. #DoNotComply  #MandatoryVaccine

D Is for a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy

John W. Whitehead  | Rutherford Institute  May 07, 2019   “When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby-talk, when, in short, a people become an audience and their public business a vaudeville act, then a nation … Click here to Read more