Puppet Biden Declares War on America: Announces Dictatorial Powers with Forced Injections!

Biden just declared himself medical dictator over America. No State’s rights. Total power over all private businesses, just like the CDC claiming authority over landlords. This is a global corporate takeover of America. #DoNotComply  #MandatoryVaccine

The ‘Great Reset’ is about Expanding Government Power and Suppressing Liberty

Ron Paul |  Ron Paul Institute – World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab has proposed using the overreaction to coronavirus to launch a worldwide “Great Reset.” This Great Reset is about expanding government power and suppressing liberty worldwide. Schwab envisions an authoritarian system where big business acts as a partner with government. … Click here to Read more

R.I.N.O’s in the Joe and Hoe Camp!

Several high-profile establishment Republicans have expressed opposition to President Trump and have signaled that they will actively support his Democrat opponent, Joe Biden (D), in November. Democrats made a splash during Monday’s Democratic National Convention after featuring Republicans who are all in for the former vice president. “But this isn’t about a Republican or Democrat, … Click here to Read more

The Real History of Antifa

The dark history of the radical Left’s enforcement arm. Kyle Shideler – With riots and civil unrest metastasizing across the United States, the president declared he intends to designate Antifa as a terrorist group. Predictably, the talking heads rushed out to declare that Antifa doesn’t really exist, and even if it did the president couldn’t … Click here to Read more

A Generation of Obama Brown Shirt Anarchists has Risen

With the move to defund and disband police, we can now see the fulfillment of the long legged Mac daddy,  along with George Soros’ plan to cause race riots and the rise of a Brown Shirt Brigade! See video below! On July 2, 2008 in Colorado Springs Colorado, then Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama said … Click here to Read more

Hong Kong Flu in 1968 Killed 100, 000 Americans. Where was the Mass Panic and Fear back then?

What is Different Today? Why did people not Panic and Cower in fear back in 1968 when the Hong Kong Flu killed 100,000 Americans and 1 million world wide? The Hong Kong flu (also known as 1968 flu pandemic) was a flu pandemic whose outbreak in 1968 and 1969 killed an estimated one million people … Click here to Read more

Bolshevik Bernie Sanders: Once a Filthy Communist, ALWAYS a Filthy Communist!

That is—unless one gets Truly Born Again!  2nd Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Bolshevik Bernie Sanders’ Economic Bill of Rights Taken Nearly Verbatim From Stalin’s 1936 Soviet Constitution Elizabeth Vaughn | RedState.com – On Wednesday, … Click here to Read more