The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) wants International Law Criminalizing Criticism of Islam

Muslim Organization Wants International Law Criminalizing Criticism of Islam Robert Spencer | Jihad Watch – The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which is made up of 56 nations plus the Palestinian Authority, met Thursday in Jeddah and called for the adoption of an international law criminalizing criticism of Islam. But that kind of law could … Click here to Read more

Why was Christchurch New Zealand Killer in Pakistan in 2018?

NZ Shooter Went on Trip to Pakistan After Supposedly Becoming Radicalized By Ebba Akerlund Murder. Did the CIA get their hands on him! Is he an MK Ultra — Mind Controlled Manchurian Candidate like so many others? Chris Menahan | Information Liberation – There are some strange anomalies which are causing many people on social … Click here to Read more

Like Crazy Mother, Like Crazy Daughter: The NUT does not fall far from the Tree

Chelsea Clinton: Sexism, Racism, Islamophobia, Homophobia, Jingoism ‘Is Not an Opinion’ I had to look up Jingoism and when I saw the defination the thought popped in my mind, Yep, just like her Communist Traitor mother who is a Chinese Agent among other things! Monday in Washington, DC at the CARE National Conference, former first … Click here to Read more