A Generation of Obama Brown Shirt Anarchists has Risen

With the move to defund and disband police, we can now see the fulfillment of the long legged Mac daddy,  along with George Soros’ plan to cause race riots and the rise of a Brown Shirt Brigade! See video below! On July 2, 2008 in Colorado Springs Colorado, then Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama said … Click here to Read more

Broward SS Officer Bertha Henry will Storm Your Home and Remove YOU!

Nappy head ole Jezebel!

Proverbs 9:13 “A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing.” This Florida Jezebel is not the only Nazi POS that wants to violate your civil rights! There is an Ahab in the Sodomy State of California that wants to do the same!  The Sodomy State California Begins Forcibly Quarantining People and Separating … Click here to Read more

Communist Jezebel Bitch Reveals Democrats True Path

Ocasio-Cortez Dismisses Fears Democrat Party Moving Too Far Left: ‘We Are Bringing the Party Home’ Breitbart News – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) dismissed the mounting concerns from establishment Democrats, who fear that she and presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are moving the Democrat Party “too far left,” asserting that the ultra-leftist movement is “bringing … Click here to Read more

Why was Christchurch New Zealand Killer in Pakistan in 2018?

NZ Shooter Went on Trip to Pakistan After Supposedly Becoming Radicalized By Ebba Akerlund Murder. Did the CIA get their hands on him! Is he an MK Ultra — Mind Controlled Manchurian Candidate like so many others? Chris Menahan | Information Liberation – There are some strange anomalies which are causing many people on social … Click here to Read more

Nazism Alive and is Disguised as the Socialist Democrats

These are the Real Nazis in America people! They have people running in the Communist Democrat Party The Bastards (Hebrews 12:8) project it on the Righteous! Wake the Hell up!!! Psalms 7:11-16 “God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day. 12 If he turn not, he will whet his sword; … Click here to Read more

Empire Beneath the Ice – What is going on in Antarctica?

Command and Control for the New World Order- Steve Quayle and Dave Hodges

Revisionist History

Steve Quayle joined Dave Hodges for the last two hours in what Dave called the fastest two hours in the history of the show. Steve discussed how his new book describes so many things that are going on today and they all owe their origin to the fact that the Nazis actually won World War II.

Steve Quayle reveals why most of what you learned about World War II and the defeat of Nazi Germany is historically wrong.

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Texas Parents Told They Will Be Charged & Arrested if They Walk Their Children to School

This is what a Police State looks like in miniature! All we need are the uniforms and the Salute!

Star Trek the Original Series addressed this lesson from history not to try and fix societies woe’s. Sadly, we are going the way of the Nazi’s on a global scale and many can’t see the forest through the individual trees.

DC Clothesline December 29, 2016 – Magnolia, TX — Walking your child to and from school in Magnolia, Texas can now end in your extortion through fines and even jail time thanks to a new policy implemented by the school’s principal. Bear Branch Elementary School parents have done some hard learning since the year began about the relationship between schools and the American police state after they were told they will be charged with trespassing for walking their own children onto school grounds.

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