Dirty Dianne Feinstein Says She Hasn’t Considered Leaving Senate Early

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California said this week she hasn’t thought about retiring before her term ends in 2024 and defended herself against criticism of her job performance and questions about her age. “I don’t feel my cognitive abilities have diminished,” Feinstein told the Los Angeles Times in an interview published … Click here to Read more

The United Nations is Running Antifa – The Anarchists!

UN begins actively undermining Trump administration’s efforts to bring law and order to American cities by authorizing “support” for anarchists JD Heyes | Natural News – No doubt the headline sounds like a massive conspiracy theory of the tinfoil hat kind, but if we had not seen the reports ourselves and the documentation, we wouldn’t … Click here to Read more

Communist Lives Matter? NOT

Learn the truth about BLM Jon Bowne | Info Wars – It’s not even a well-kept secret anymore – Black Lives Matter, the organization funded by George Soros, has revealed its demands and they are nothing short of full-blown Communism. Why should Americans of any biological makeup continue to give these enemies of freedom the … Click here to Read more

Draconian Lock Down Powers

Draconian Lockdown Powers: It’s a Slippery Slope from Handwashing to House Arrest John W. Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute – April 01, 2020 “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”—Viktor … Click here to Read more

Communist Jezebel Bitch Reveals Democrats True Path

Ocasio-Cortez Dismisses Fears Democrat Party Moving Too Far Left: ‘We Are Bringing the Party Home’ Breitbart News – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) dismissed the mounting concerns from establishment Democrats, who fear that she and presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are moving the Democrat Party “too far left,” asserting that the ultra-leftist movement is “bringing … Click here to Read more

The Ku Klux Klan Antifa and the Communist Democrat Party

Democrats 150 Years Ago, The Ku Klux Klan Dreams Of A Comeback After Seeing How Fellow Terror Group ANTIFA Is Promoted By The Media Dressed up in scary costumes with hoods and masks, Ku Klux Klan members rode about at night threatening and frightening blacks. They demanded that blacks either vote Democrat or not vote … Click here to Read more

Let’s have that Dirt Jackal Joe!

I am sure they can add a bit of water and make it a mud pit. Then we can sit back and glean the details from the on going Clown show! Desperate Biden Warns Dem Rivals: I Got Dirt On All of You! – 2020 frontrunner considers going negative to boost sagging numbers Jamie White … Click here to Read more

Brennan and Comey are Communists: Both Voted for Communist Party Candidates

Both Comey and Brennan Voted Communist While Cold War was Raging Zero Hedge – The heads of Obama’s FBI and CIA both voted for communists during the Cold War, yet were somehow able to move up the ranks within the same US intelligence community that had spent decades fighting that very ideology. Journalist Paul Sperry … Click here to Read more

Wicked Witch of the West: Dirty Dianne Feinstein IS an Unregistered Agent for Communist China!

Dave Hodges | Common Sense Show – Please let me remind everyone of Trevor Louden’s work, Enemies Within, in which Trevor showed proof that many Democratic leaders belong to front groups for the world’s largest terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, and/or the American Communist Party. Dianne Feinstein loves communists. Senator Feinstein cavorts with communists. She … Click here to Read more

Why was Christchurch New Zealand Killer in Pakistan in 2018?

NZ Shooter Went on Trip to Pakistan After Supposedly Becoming Radicalized By Ebba Akerlund Murder. Did the CIA get their hands on him! Is he an MK Ultra — Mind Controlled Manchurian Candidate like so many others? Chris Menahan | Information Liberation – There are some strange anomalies which are causing many people on social … Click here to Read more

The Socialist, Communist, Jihadist Bernie Sanders: A Traitor to His own Heritage and Country

Bolshevik Bernie Sanders entered the crowded Democrat Swamp with his Comrades, the other Snakes and Rats on Tuesday, February 19, 2019 This comes after President Trump’s historic speech against Socialism on Monday in Miami. Source  Check these out! Bernie Sanders’ 1972 Violent Rape Fantasy Article Surfaces Bernie speechless when asked about Venezuela Will they cheat … Click here to Read more