Government Mind Control Conspiracy Theory Is Actually CONSPIRACY FACT!

Government Accidentally Sends Evidence of Top-Secret Mind Control Weapons The government has accidentally sent evidence of a top secret mind-control weapons program in an email responding to a Freedom of Information Act request on a totally unrelated topic. According to the accidentally-released government files, Psycho-electronic weapons are a powerful mind-control weapons system capable of being … Click here to Read more

Look for a False Flag: Ten Pounds of Explosives Stolen from Sodomy State Military Base

Is another Patsy like Timothy McVeigh or Terry Nichols about to come on the scene? What, and WHEN, are the feds going to blow up to blame on Patriots? All signs and signals coming from the Communist Democrats, R.I.N.O’s, and Fake News Talking Heads indicate there is something afoot! It is not a matter IF … Click here to Read more

Q-Anon Is a Psy-Op by the Military Industrial Complex We Were Warned About Long Ago

Chris Menahan | Information Liberation – “Operation Trust” was a Bolshevik counterintelligence operation run from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders had organized to stop the communists’ takeover. Here’s an except on the “Trust” operation from pages 13-14 of Soviet defector Anatoliy … Click here to Read more

Psychological Warfare Disguised as a Pandemic Threat

Invasion of the Body Snatchers: Psychological Warfare Disguised as a Pandemic Threat  By John W. Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute “Look! You fools! You’re in danger! Can’t you see? They’re after you! They’re after all of us! Our wives…our children…they’re here already! You’re next!”—Dr. Miles Bennell, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) It’s like Invasion … Click here to Read more

DUH! World’s Top Epidemiologists: Masks Don’t Work!

Those Dust masks you buy at the Home Improvement Store—They don’t even keep the damn dust out of your nose and mouth when doing construction demolition!  So how in the HELL can a flimsy cloth mask filter out a microscopic virus when it can’t stop a dust particle you can see with the naked eye, … Click here to Read more

How come the Apple of Your Eye, the One You Raised is a Communist?

So, that sweet, innocent  little boy or girl  turned into an Ahab or Jezebel! They grew up to be a filthy Commie! How did it happen, huh?  Now don’t get your panties all twisted up. If this does not apply to YOU, just substitute THEY in place of YOU! Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become … Click here to Read more

Pipe Bombs Staged in Washington D.C: Look for a False Flag Terror Attack Very Soon!

Look for a Major Terror Attack to happen. It will be a False Flag and they will use White Supremacist Patsies just like they used Timothy McVeigh to bomb the Oklahoma Federal building! Or it will be one like the Vegas Massacre! Big League Politics – Jack Posobiec reported that authorities had discovered a crate … Click here to Read more

What do Mass Killers have in Common?

Proverbs 1:10-11 “My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.11 If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause:” MK Ultra and Mass Murderers    Mass Murderers and School Shootings What A Criminology Professor Learned By Studying Every Mass Shooting Since 1966 Via … Click here to Read more

Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals

Now Full-Bore In Play: These Rules Explain Everything The Democrats Do It’s Time To Fight Fire With Fire And One Republican Has Turned Democrat’s Own Rules Against Them Note that Alinksy dedicated his book Rules for Radicals to his god Lucifer! Also note that his “13” rules are not coincidence. 13 is an important number … Click here to Read more

Stem School Killer was looked at MONTHS before!

Must have been his ‘Handlers” making sure he was programmed correctly! Will we learn he was on Medication like 99.9% of the other killers? Will we learn he has seen a Psychiatrist? According to the following article it would indicate there are many more Killers in training at this school of Joseph Mengele! Colorado School … Click here to Read more

Why won’t the MSM Talking Heads tell you about the Murdering Muslims around the World?

Answer: Because they can’t use it to push Gun Control here in America –  blame Trump for it – or push for internet censorship! They will NOT criticize their gods that they are using as pawns! Christian woman forced to watch Muslim terrorists butcher her husband But let a Nut Job, who may be a … Click here to Read more