Long List of Fake Hate Hoaxes is Growing

POOP ALWAYS FLOATS TO THE TOP!   Attacks Against ‘Deplorables’ Implode In Spectacular Fashion – Long List Of Fake Hate Hoaxes Appears To Grow As Empire Star Hires Criminal Defense Attorney By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine When Hillary Clinton decided to walk out on a stage and label Republican voters that supported the … Click here to Read more

Protesters Show Up Outside Maxine Waters’ House

Adan Salazar – A small group of conservative demonstrators showed up outside Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters’ Washington home Wednesday. Protesters from Patriot Picket shouted and chanted outside Waters’ DC residence after the congresswoman last Saturday called on Democrats to publicly harass Trump cabinet members. “Hey Maxine, where’s your niceness gene?” the protesters yelled, while carrying signs reading, … Click here to Read more

“And the LORD opened the Mouth of the Ass, and SHE said……”

Mad Maxine Waters braying like the ASS She is: Calls for Harassment of Trump aides and says god is on OUR side! Proverbs 9:13 “A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing.” Proverbs 21:9 “It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a … Click here to Read more