Desperation Ensues the Communists: No Debating from an Incompetent and Inept Joe Biden?

HIDING BIDEN: Nancy Pelosi Begins Desperate Campaign To Prevent The Upcoming Debates That Will Prove Joe Biden Is Not Mentally Competent Geoffrey Grider | NTEB – “I don’t think that there should be any debates,” Nancy Pelosi told reporters. In order for Joe Biden to win, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats need to have mail-in … Click here to Read more

Nasty Nancy Pelosi and George Soros Cronies Desperately want Vote by Mail

That is so they can commit massive Voter Fraud. That is the only way these Communists can win, by cheating! Call your State and Federal Representatives and tell them HELL NO!! Nancy Pelosi: ‘In this Next Bill’ We Hope to Get Vote-by-Mail Breitbart News – U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday that vote-by-mail is … Click here to Read more

The Real reason for Impeachment is to Make Sure Hillary Clinton is President in 2020

They never thought that their Cabal would loose. Hillary was promised in 2008, when she bowed to the Muslim Obama, that she would be the first woman president in 2016. Cabal: the contrived schemes of a group of persons secretly united in a plot (as to overturn a government) Well, the globalists plans were thwarted … Click here to Read more

White House Petition to ‘Impeach Nancy Pelosi for TREASON’ Amasses 286,000 Signatures since January 2019

This Nasty Old Catholic Jezebel Harlot needs to go along with the rest of her demonic cohorts. Proverbs 9:13 “A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing.” Proverbs 14:5 “A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.” News Punch – A White House petition demanding that Nancy … Click here to Read more

Nasty Nancy Pelosi knew there were NO WMD’s in Iraq

Nasty Nancy Pelosi just Loves the Bushes! Nancy Pelosi: I Knew Bush Jr Was Lying About WMD To Start War, But Didn’t See It As Impeachable   Baxter Dmitry | News Punch – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told a CNN Town Hall that she knew then-President George W. Bush was lying about weapons of mass … Click here to Read more

Strange and Bizarre Behavior Manifesting from Democrat Politicians

Susan Duclos at All News Pipeline wrote an article… Something Very Strange Going On: Democrats Politicians Appear To Be Having Severe Mental And Physical Breakdowns. It is posted below with permission She asks the question “Has President Trump Broken Them?” Yes, in a way he has, but he is only the cause, the instrument if … Click here to Read more

Three of Nasty Nancy Pelosi’s “Divine people” and FBI Fugitive MS-13 Leaders Captured in Tijuana

Breitbart News – Three FBI fugitive MS-13 gang leaders who fled Los Angeles after a 2017 police roundup were captured in Tijuana. The fugitives were identified as Irwin Hugo “Droopy” Garcia, a leader or “shot-caller” in Pasadena, California; Jesse “Grinch” Perez, leader of the so-called “Adams clique,” in a section of southwest Los Angeles; and … Click here to Read more

Communist Democrats: The Beast and Enemy Within

The Democrat Platform: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”  The Creed and Mantra of the Communists, Socialists, Witches, Satanists, Atheists, Homosexuals, Lesbians and Tranny’s who are the BULK of the Party of Death. The Witches modify a bit and say “An it harm none, do what you will“ John 8:44 … Click here to Read more

“And the LORD opened the Mouth of the Ass, and SHE said……”

Mad Maxine Waters braying like the ASS She is: Calls for Harassment of Trump aides and says god is on OUR side! Proverbs 9:13 “A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing.” Proverbs 21:9 “It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a … Click here to Read more

Scientist finds cure for Liberalism?

Being a Brain Dead Idiot may soon history only to be read about in history books! Experts excited by brain ‘wonder-drug’  – Scientists hope to stop all neurodegenerative diseases, including dementia Proverbs 26:3 “A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool’s back.” (BBC News) Scientists hope they … Click here to Read more