One Of The Largest Chicken Producers In America Announces Shutdown Of Its Tennessee Plant

Yet another blow to the US food market, one of the country’s top ten largest chicken producers has announced that it will be shutting down its plant in Campbell County, Tennessee. Niamh Harris | News Punch – The GateWay Pundit reports: According to WVLT-TV, George’s Inc.: Poultry and Prepared Foods announced it will close one … Click here to Read more

The Luciferians ARE Deliberately Depriving the Masses of Food and Energy

2nd Timothy 3:13 “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” The Luciferians are stepping up their End Game because they are way behind! Also see why in the Articles below! Georgia Guide Stones Principalities, Powers, Rulers of Darkness and Spiritual Wickedness in High places

The Planned Starvation Event Is Now in Motion

It’s on track (pun intended) and they have throttled up knowing the track is out ahead! Grain deliveries by rail to be partially HALTED, devastating dairy herds and meat operations nationwide! Natural News – Today’s Situation Update reveals worrisome new intel that describes Joe Biden’s “controlled demolition” of the US food supply as a means … Click here to Read more