Doomsday Document From 2020 Proves Globalists Planned Out Their Mass Murder Long Game Food Armageddon

These Days Were Awaiting Us Like A Ticking Time Bomb – Their Plans To Wipe Out The Meat Industry Were Fully Documented As Well  By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die This important story over at the Epoch Times published July 1st titled “‘Doomsday Document’ Predicted Food Shortages Two Years Ago” holds … Click here to Read more

The Luciferians ARE Deliberately Depriving the Masses of Food and Energy

2nd Timothy 3:13 “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” The Luciferians are stepping up their End Game because they are way behind! Also see why in the Articles below! Georgia Guide Stones Principalities, Powers, Rulers of Darkness and Spiritual Wickedness in High places

The Monkey Pox Fear Mongering and What You Need to Know

MonkeyPox Fears May Rescue Endangered Corporations Two corrupt companies were in rocky financial territory just a few weeks ago. Now, with concerns over a global monkeypox outbreak being hyped by media and global health organizations alike, the worries – and sins – of these two firms are quickly being forgotten. Monkeypox Vaccine Funded By Fauci … Click here to Read more

History Repeats: Mad Men Are Using Science and Medicine to Cull Humanity

There are more Cloaked Nazi’s today than there were who worshiped Hitler! Adolf Hitler used “science” and “medicine” to justify his eugenics / depopulation programs, and today’s vaccine pushers are walking in his footsteps Ecclesiastes 1:9-11 “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which … Click here to Read more

The Planned Depopulation DIE-OFF Begins

Life insurance payouts skyrocket 258% as post-vaccine deaths rapidly accelerate Natural News – In a little-known Reuters story that garnered almost no attention in the corporate media, Dutch insurer Aegon revealed its third quarter, 2021 life insurance payouts skyrocketed 258% compared to third quarter, 2020 payouts. The difference, of course, is found in Covid vaccines. … Click here to Read more

The Luciferian Democrat Motto: If You Can’t Beat Them, Kill Them. Conservatives Targeted with Poison Vaccines!!

Red States Targeted With Tainted COVID Vaccines, Warns Former Science Adviser This is a classical social engineering test by the globalists to measure the mRNA vaccine’s “maximum tolerated dose” among the populace, while simultaneously killing off Joe Biden’s political opposition Researchers sourcing VAERS data on Covid jabs found what appears to be a deadly political … Click here to Read more

The Commies at the W.H.O. Skip the Greek Letter that bares the Name of Xi Jinping in the Naming the New China Virus Variant

The World Health Organization announced Friday it was naming a new Covid-19 variant “Omicron,” skipping over the next ones in line Nu and Xi, which for the Commies, is a politically sensitive letter of the Greek alphabet. Why did they skip over Nu? Perhaps it is NOT a Variant and is a NEW plague they … Click here to Read more

The Supply Chain is Collapsing Across America

The planned collapse of America is underway and “Resident” Biden is going to manage to ruin the holidays! Listen to this quick 4:44 video   Jon Bowne | News Wars – The economy, much like the global supply chain, is showing signs that it may be about to come to a grinding halt. China ran … Click here to Read more

Smoking Gun Documents PROVE Fauci Is A Liar And The Luciferian Plan

Fauci & Moderna Sent mRNA Coronavirus Vaccine Candidates to Wuhan Lab-Linked Doctor One Month BEFORE The COVID Outbreak Doctor infecting human tissue with bat viruses allowed to help create the “resolution” to the outbreak Kelen McBreen | Info Wars – Documents show Anthony Fauci’s NIH and pharma giant Moderna shared “mRNA Coronavirus Vaccine Candidates” with an … Click here to Read more

The End Of The World As We Knew It

And the Majority Feel Fine! Remember that song? A Generation of Brown Shirts! No Relief In Sight: Food Prices Will Continue To Go Up  The End Of The World As We Knew It Has Already Happened, What Is Left Are Shortages, Outages, Anarchy And Chaos – Just Look Around At What Is Happening Right Now … Click here to Read more

Governor Cuomo Clears Himself of All Charges in Nursing Home Scandal: Don’t Believe Conspiracy Theories

Sounds like that P.O.S George W. Bush just after 911 happened! “Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September 11th – malicious lies that attempt to shift blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty.” – George W. Bush in a speech to the United Nations November 10, 2001 … Click here to Read more