Democrat can’t Resist and Calls for more Gun Control

You just knew it would happen, One of the rabid Leftists could not wait even 24 hours to call for more Gun Control. It took one of the most vial and corrupt to strike. Yea it is a Clinton Operative. Why you ask? They are Communist Democratic Cult Members… it’s what they do!

The New American – Congressional Democrats who were practicing for Thursday night’s game with Republicans near the field where House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot gathered to pray for their colleagues. A photo posted on social media by Representative Ruben Kihuen (D-Nev.) shows about 25 of them huddled together in their dugout with their heads bowed. Kihuen posted this comment along with the photo: “Me [sic] and my House Democrat colleagues saying a prayer for our House Republicans and Senate GOP baseball colleagues after hearing about this morning’s horrific shooting at their practice field.”

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