Reichstag Fire at Victoria Texas Mosque?

Just in time for Communists to have something to point to and rally around.

Jon Watkins  Government Propaganda  January 29, 2017

Update January 31:  Burned Texas mosque gets $1m from donors Follow the $$$

It’s called a false flag operation. Attack, Burn, Vandalize your own stuff to blame the opposition, gain support and sympathy for your cause.

Hitler did it it to blame the opposition. The Bush Criminal Cabal and their cohorts did it on 911!  And now he Communist Democrats are in a melt down over Trump halting Jihadists flooding into the country, and they will stop at nothing to get the flood gates open again!

VICTORIA, TX (KTRK) January 28, 2017 — An early-morning fire Saturday destroyed a Texas mosque that was a target of hatred several years ago and experienced a burglary just a week ago.

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