Muslim Refugee in Germany with Four Wives and 23 Children Claims $389,000 a Year off of Benefits

News Flash: They are doing it here in America too! It was maybe 6-7 years ago I was in a local eatery (which I wont name) waiting for my food to be prepared. In walks a lady and places her order. She mentioned in casual conversation to the Cook/Cashier it was tough raising 4 children. The Cook/Cashier looks at her and proudly proclaims “I have Fourteen (14)”! Now this gentleman was only about 25-30 yrs. of age so it is a stretch to think that one woman could have that many in such a short time. The lady looked at me with wide eyes and I told her that he was a Muslim and probably has 3 or 4 wives! I have seen similar instances in these establishments that are Muslim owned!

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