The Nine Lives of Al-Baghdadi: Is he part Feline or perhaps a Jinn?

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Islamic State’s caliph al-Baghdadi reported dead yet again

Robert Spencer | Jihad Watch – The Islamic State’s caliph has been reported dead. But he has been dead before:

Islamic State’s caliph al-Baghdadi said to be severely injured, flees to Syria July 5, 2014

Several months later, after widespread reports that he had been killed in an airstrike: Islamic State caliph undead, calls for “volcanoes of jihad” November 13, 2014

Islamic State’s caliph Ibrahim, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, again reported seriously wounded April 21, 2015

Bin Laden protege reportedly leading Islamic State after injury to caliph al-Baghdadi that Pentagon denies happened April 23, 2015

UK’s Guardian: Islamic State’s caliph still alive, but paralyzed from spinal injury in airstrike Pentagon denies hit him April 27, 2015

Radio Iran: Islamic State’s caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead of injuries from airstrike Pentagon denies hit him April 27, 2015

Is the Islamic State’s caliph al-Baghdadi dead (again)? June 17, 2016

Is he really dead this time? Maybe. This time the information seems more precise and the likelihood greater.

Al-Baghdadi’s situation is odd in any case, whatever his condition: he claims to be the caliph, the source and summit of the appeal that the Islamic State has among young Muslims, and yet aside from his inaugural appearance when the Islamic State declared itself the caliphate on June 29, 2014, he has scarcely been in evidence, with the only signs of his existence being a couple of audiotapes. Also, he is or was a caliph without a caliphate: the Islamic State is still very much a presence around the world, but doesn’t control any significant expanse of territory, as it did when Obama was President.

This caliph without a caliphate’s elusiveness was a function of his having a large bounty on his head, but it also may have been chosen as a strategy for other reasons: the Islamic State leadership may have decided that his power was enhanced by his being more mythical than real — an omnipresent but gnomic presence a la Big Brother in Orwell’s 1984.

From a practical standpoint, since he has been so rarely seen or heard from in recent years, it hardly matters whether he is dead or alive: obviously the Islamic State has soldiered on without his having become a familiar media figure. And it likely will continue to do so.

“Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi reportedly killed in US forces raid,” by Josie Ensor, Telegraph, October 27, 2019:

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State, is reported to have died following a US military raid in north-west Syria.

Baghdadi, whose real name is Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim Ali Muhammad al-Badri al-Samarrai, is thought to have killed himself with a suicide vest as US special operations forces descended, according to media citing multiple government sources.

He was with two wives, who are also thought to have blown themselves up, and children which are believed to still be alive.

The raid, which began after midnight, targeted a compound Baghdadi and his family were thought to have been living in in Barisha village in Idlib province near the Turkish border….

Intelligence was recovered by US special forces soldiers before the compound was then hit by an air strike to prevent the building from becoming a shrine to the terror leader….

President Donald Trump gave an indication that something was afoot earlier on Saturday night when he tweeted without explanation: “Something very big has just happened!”

The White House announced Mr Trump would make a “major statement” on Sunday at 1pm GMT, without elaborating.

A Pentagon official said he was “dead” pending verification. It is understood that the US was currently carrying out biometric work to formally identify those killed in the raid.

Iraq said it had helped provide intelligence that lead to the raid, and broadcast footage of what appeared to be a crater in the ground and torn blood-stained clothes nearby….

His presence in Idlib, the last-remaining anti-Assad opposition stronghold, will come as a surprise to some as the province is under the control of rebel groups hostile to Isil….

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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