The Nine Lives of Al-Baghdadi: Is he part Feline or perhaps a Jinn?

Islamic State’s caliph al-Baghdadi reported dead yet again Robert Spencer | Jihad Watch – The Islamic State’s caliph has been reported dead. But he has been dead before: Islamic State’s caliph al-Baghdadi said to be severely injured, flees to Syria July 5, 2014 Several months later, after widespread reports that he had been killed in … Click here to Read more

Chicago Muslims Convicted for Conspiring with ISIS

Must have been some of Muslim Barack Hussein Obama’s criminal cohorts! Hey folks – ? Can anything good come out of Chicago? Two Suburban Chicago Men Convicted of Conspiring to Provide Material Support to ISIS Men Conspired to Help Individual They Believed Would Travel to Syria to Fight for ISIS, Provided Cell Phones They Believed … Click here to Read more

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard: ‘There Are No Moderate Rebels’ after Secret Visit to Syria

“The reality is… every place that I went, every person that I spoke to, I asked this question to them, and without hesitation, they said, there are no moderate rebels. Who are these moderate rebels that people keep speaking of?

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard made damning statements about the U.S. role in Syria in a CNN interview — noting that “there are no moderate rebels” — after a secret four-day fact-finding mission to Syria in which she met with everyday Syrians, and eventually met with President Bashar al-Assad.

“I wanted to see if there was in some small way, a way that I could express the love and the aloha and the care that the American people have for the people of Syria, and to see firsthand what was happening there, to see that situation there,” Gabbard told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Wednesday.

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Ben Garrison Cartoons

If you don’t know about the Cartoons of Ben Garrison, I would like to introduce you to him. See his website and his work here.  Ben Garrison Cartoons Here is one that tells it all about the Syrian debacle