Hillary Clinton IS a Traitor!

Hillary Clinton approved arms sales, including chemical weapons, to terror supporting countries after they paid her off

As corporate media talking heads accuse Trump of being a traitor, Clinton’s numerous shady dealings are ignored

INTELLIHUB January 2, 2017 — Over the last few weeks we have seen leftist “journalists” openly declare president-elect Donald Trump a traitor due to his supposed ties to Russia and their “hacking” of the DNC.

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Woman and the Snake

Trump reads The Snake Lyrics Al Wilson sings The Snake Songwriters: Milan Pilar The Snake lyrics © EMI Music Publishing On her way to work one morning Down the path along side the lake A tender hearted woman saw a poor half frozen snake His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew … Click here to Read more

Barack Hussein Obama’s Fake Birth Certificate

Sheriff’s probe finds Obama birth certificate ‘fake’
Years of forensics investigation confirmed ‘birther’ suspicions right all along

No surprise to people with a lick of common sense!

WND December 15, 2016 – A years-long forensics investigation into the computer image of the long-form Hawaiian birth certificate image that Barack Obama released during a White House news conference during his first term and presented to the American people as an official government document concluded it is “fake.”

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg namesake for new species of insect

Ruth Bader Ginsburg the namesake for new species of insect – A Preying Mantis!

Yea I know it’s spelled “Praying”, but she is a “Preying” predator on the American people

Jewish Telegraphic Agency – June 3, 2016 – “Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the first female Jewish justice on the high court, now has an entire species — even if it is a rather small one: the leaf-dwelling Ilomantis ginsburgae.

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Chaka Fattah convicted in corruption case

Chaka Fattah convicted in corruption case

CNN – Pennsylvania Rep. Chaka Fattah (CNN won’t tell you he is a DEMOCRAT) was convicted on federal corruption charges Tuesday.

The 59-year-old Democrat, who represents West Philadelphia, was found guilty on all 23 charges he faced, which included racketeering, money laundering and fraud.

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Saudi Arabian Family Gave Keith Ellison Thousands

Saudi Arabian Family at Center of Domestic Violence Scandal Gave Keith Ellison Thousands

Other Democrats returned money over domestic violence conviction, but not Ellison

Free Beacon December 12, 2016 – The four sons of a Saudi Arabian billionaire—including one who was recently convicted for assaulting his wife—have all contributed thousands to Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.), who is one of the frontrunners to become the new chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

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Obama is Concerned About a Nuke Being Detonated in Manhattan

Obama: I’m Concerned About a Nuke Being Detonated in Manhattan

We in the KNOW, have been saying that for years now. Looks like his buddies are ready to do it to launch the tribulation!!

Speaking at a brief news conference in the Hague, President Obama said he’s more worried about a nuke being detonated in Manhattan than he is about Russia

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Fast and Furious Gun Running

Fast and Furious Scandal – Government Gun and Drug running   ‘Fast and Furious’ Gun Found At Site Where Mexican Beauty Queen Killed The Criminal above, Communist Eric Holder should be sitting in a jail cell along with President Barry Soetoro and all of the other Communist Criminals. They shipped guns into Mexico in return … Click here to Read more