Communist Overlords Gather and Plan How to Combat Disinformation… ABOUT THEM!

This is the Great Reset, New World Order Minions making their plans to quell the rising up of the Serfs! You will obey your Overlords or else! Fighting ‘Information Disorder’: Aspen’s Orwellian Commission on Controlling Speech in America Written by Jonathan Turley  – The Aspen Institute has issued the results of its much heralded 16-person … Click here to Read more

Trump Derangement Disease Has Fully Infected The Lunatic Democrats And Fake News Outlets

Wicked Witch Nasty Nancy Pelosi Will do ANYTHING to Stop SCOTUS Pick Maybe she will get her gaggle of Radical Feminist Witches, fire up a cauldron, and cast some spells! Jamie White | News Wars -House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hinted that Democrats may try to impeach President Trump again to stop him from nominating a … Click here to Read more

Is It Even Possible the Communist Lunatic Democrats Can Get Any Worse?

You bet they can and they will! So brace yourself, get ready,  and heed The Mike and the Mechanics song “Silent Running”! Luke 12:51-53 “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: 52 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three … Click here to Read more

Do you have to be Sober to be a Supreme Court Justice?

Absolutely NOT, but it sure would be nice if they were! See a 3 part Series  Sipping Saints and Drunkards Proverbs 31:6  “Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts.” Galatians 5:21 “Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell … Click here to Read more

Ruth Bader Ginsburg namesake for new species of insect

Ruth Bader Ginsburg the namesake for new species of insect – A Preying Mantis!

Yea I know it’s spelled “Praying”, but she is a “Preying” predator on the American people

Jewish Telegraphic Agency – June 3, 2016 – “Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the first female Jewish justice on the high court, now has an entire species — even if it is a rather small one: the leaf-dwelling Ilomantis ginsburgae.

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