The Restrict Act Is Pure Treason

And Congress is FULL of Communist Traitors! Is Senator Lindsay Graham a liar or incompetent or both? Sure, Congressional staffers get legislation cosponsored with a rubber stamp all the time as Senators line their pockets over lunch with lobbyists. But hours before Graham appeared on Jesse Waters the news had broken on the treasonous bill … Click here to Read more

The Joe Biden and John Kerry Criminal Cabal Guilty of what President Trump is being accused of in Ukraine

The Psychological Projection is obvious!! This news is being heavily censored by Twitter and Fascist book. Please share this to expose the REAL CRIMINALS in the Ukraine Scandal! Leaked Documents Show Tens Of Millions From Ukraine Paid To Kerry, Biden Jr Fund Carmine Sabia | The Federalist Papers – Leaked Documents Show Tens Of Millions … Click here to Read more

Jeffery Epstein’s High Powered Customers Threaten Florida State Senator Investigating Sheriff

Florida State Sen. Receives Threats Telling Her To Back Off Epstein Case Baxter Dmitry | News Punch – Florida State Senator Lauren Book, a child sexual abuse survivor who has worked to pass strict sex offender laws in Florida, has received “countless phone calls” warning her to back off the Jeffrey Epstein case. “I’ve received … Click here to Read more

Wanted: Dead or Not Alive!

Jon Bowne | Info Wars – Antifa and even Joe Biden have expressed calls for violence against common sense, patriotism, and American decency. Meanwhile, social media sites continue their vague explanation as to why calls for the death of Infowars personalities have been permitted. Before its all said and done, we may witness a deadly … Click here to Read more

Let’s have that Dirt Jackal Joe!

I am sure they can add a bit of water and make it a mud pit. Then we can sit back and glean the details from the on going Clown show! Desperate Biden Warns Dem Rivals: I Got Dirt On All of You! – 2020 frontrunner considers going negative to boost sagging numbers Jamie White … Click here to Read more

Ex-FBI Assistant Director: Upcoming Inspector General Report is “Pure TNT”

Zero Hedge  March 17, 2018 Former FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker said today that a highly anticipated report from the DOJ’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz will contain “some pure TNT.” Horowitz has been investigating the conduct of the FBI’s top brass surrounding the 2016 election for over a year. He also uncovered over 50,000 text messages between … Click here to Read more

Chaka Fattah convicted in corruption case

Chaka Fattah convicted in corruption case

CNN – Pennsylvania Rep. Chaka Fattah (CNN won’t tell you he is a DEMOCRAT) was convicted on federal corruption charges Tuesday.

The 59-year-old Democrat, who represents West Philadelphia, was found guilty on all 23 charges he faced, which included racketeering, money laundering and fraud.

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