Christine Blasey Ford Created Manchurian Candidates in Mass Hypnotic Inductions

As I previously posted: Kavanaugh Accuser has CIA Ties: Is Christine Blasey Ford a product of MK Ultra CIA Mind Control? Well it has come to light that she is creating Manchurian Candidates! Christine Blasey Ford Ran Mass “Hypnotic Inductions” of Psychiatric Subjects as Part of Mind Control Research\ Funded by foundation linked to ‘computational … Click here to Read more

I was Gang Raped by Three UN-Named Female Democrat Women

Nasty Nancy Pelosi, Mad Maxine Waters, and Dirty Dianne Feinstein Gang Raped me in 1901 while I was on a trip to Mars in the Wright Brothers plane with them! Bimbo Barbra Boxer was there also but I can’t verify because she is sick and deranged at the moment! Krazy Kamala Harris heard about it … Click here to Read more