Scenes from the 2022 Congressional Baseball Game

Communist Democrat Rep. Linda Sanchez from the Sodomy State California (Commifornia) flipped off the Republican bench as she Waddled past it during the 2022 Congressional Baseball Game. In the following video there are some differences in video taken. Can YOU spot the differences??  

A Muzzle for Dr. Anthony Fauci? 

No, a Paper Bag or Garbage Bag With a Draw String Would Be Better! 1st Timothy 5:18 “For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward.” Fauci is being rewarded really really good for his “treading”!   I saw an article … Click here to Read more

What do a Goat, a Papaya and a Pheasant have in Common?

Well, they all Tested Positive for Covid-19! Nope, it is not a joke or satire! Be very afraid of farm animals along with fruits and vegetables. If they are showing symptoms such as a fever, cough, looking to green or ripe, well you best run away and keep your distance from them. I suggest you … Click here to Read more

Counting Expert had to be called in for Iowa Democrats!

Sesame Street’s Count Von Count had to be called in to help the inept, incompetent Ass Clown Democrats count their vote for them! Rumor has it that Bert and Ernie were meeting with Homosexual Mayor Pete Buttigieg to help him with his victory speech! Meanwhile the Cookie monster was handing out Milk and Cookie Crumbs … Click here to Read more

Government Shuts Down, Nation Descends into Riots, Looting and Cannibalism

I thought this was pretty and funny reflects the mind set of the Communist/Socialists!! The United States of America (1787-2018) came to a swift and sudden end last week as the government shut down. The nation which had survived Pearl Harbor, the War of 1812 and Jimmy Carter ceased to exist. The savage population, which … Click here to Read more

Black Friday is Racist!

#BlackFriday is #Racist! I demand it be changed to a Non-Race specific term. I am going to sue the Trump administration because it is their fault and they did nothing about the Reindeer shitin’ and fartin’ that caused the wildfires!! Because of Christmas at this time of the year, ole Santa Clause done gotta feed … Click here to Read more

NYPD releases Photo, Identity and Arrests Synagogue Vandal

The White Nationalist, Nazi Republican, Trump Supporter who wrote “die Jew rats we are here,” “Jews better be ready,” and “Hitler.” in Synagogue has been identified, arrested and charged with a hate crime! Oh wait! This is NOT a white trump supporter! He just happens to be a Queer Black Man and an Obama groupie!!! … Click here to Read more

I was Gang Raped by Three UN-Named Female Democrat Women

Nasty Nancy Pelosi, Mad Maxine Waters, and Dirty Dianne Feinstein Gang Raped me in 1901 while I was on a trip to Mars in the Wright Brothers plane with them! Bimbo Barbra Boxer was there also but I can’t verify because she is sick and deranged at the moment! Krazy Kamala Harris heard about it … Click here to Read more

Massachusetts school district will Protect Children with a Blue Bucket full of Emergency Items!

Each emergency kit includes a 5-gallon bucket, a wooden doorstop, a 1-pound hammer, a 50-foot length of rope and a roll of duct tape.” The tools are to help students barricade themselves in their rooms during a emergency school shooting. H/T Fellowship of the Minds Some of you may remember this:  PA School has been … Click here to Read more