Dirty Donna Brazile Hates Roger Stone too

Dirty Donna Brazile Attacks Roger Stone: ‘Go to F*cking Jail, I Hope He Roasts in Hell’ Jezebel’s flock together: Meghan McCain Upset with my response to her Tweet telling Roger Stone to “Rot in Hell” Fox News contributor Donna launched a vitriolic tirade against Stone Neon Nettle – Fox News contributor Donna Brazile launched a … Click here to Read more

Dirty Donna Brazile admits she is a Tranny!

Told the lesser males to put “dicks out on the table and see who’s got the bigger one, because “I know mine is bigger than all of yours,” Donna Brazile Says Top Clinton Aides Were Sexist Towards Her Breitbart News – Former interim Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile said she experienced sexism from Hillary … Click here to Read more

Dirty Donna Brazile’s attempt to walk back ‘rigging’ bombshell gets blown up by her own book

Don’t ya just love a good comedy? I can’t wait till the end of the movie. But I think I have a good idea how it’s gonna end! Donna Brazile: Felt like a Slave and considered replacing Clinton with Biden as 2016 Democratic nominee Breaking News: Former DNC chair Dirty Donna Brazile works for the … Click here to Read more

Dirty Donna Brazile: Sending Crooked Hillary Clinton questions is a ‘mistake I will forever regret’

Dirty Donna is NOT sorry or regretful!

NO……, she regrets getting caught! This Jezebel of of a woman is Vial, Wretched, and without a conscience or she would not be cozying up to other Vial and Wretched Women! Prove it Dirty Donna, spill the beans on your criminal cohorts if you have had a change of heart! Get out of the cesspool of filth you are in and that includes the Catholic church!

The Hill – Donna Brazile says passing along a list of topics for a TV town hall event to Hillary Clinton’s campaign was “a mistake I will forever regret.”

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