Dirty Donna Brazile admits she is a Tranny!

Told the lesser males to put “dicks out on the table and see who’s got the bigger one, because “I know mine is bigger than all of yours,” Donna Brazile Says Top Clinton Aides Were Sexist Towards Her Breitbart News – Former interim Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile said she experienced sexism from Hillary … Click here to Read more

Breaking News: Dirty Donna Brazile caught passing Fake Results to Beatty and Dunaway before Oscars!

This reporter has learned from inside sources that Former DNC Chair Dirty Donna Brazile was seen passing an envelope to Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway during rehearsal the day before. Sources also said they saw what looked to be persons in the shadows resembling Hillary Clinton and John Podesta. As one source got closer Zee over heard them discussing Russia and President Trump. It is not clear exactly what the details were about, but one can speculate that they were trying to figure out a way to blame Russia, Putin,Trump and start a race war!

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