The Joe Biden and John Kerry Criminal Cabal Guilty of what President Trump is being accused of in Ukraine

The Psychological Projection is obvious!! This news is being heavily censored by Twitter and Fascist book. Please share this to expose the REAL CRIMINALS in the Ukraine Scandal! Leaked Documents Show Tens Of Millions From Ukraine Paid To Kerry, Biden Jr Fund Carmine Sabia | The Federalist Papers – Leaked Documents Show Tens Of Millions … Click here to Read more

Communist Democrats: The Party of Death, Destruction and Treason!

The ‘Hollywood Of Hanoi Jane’: ‘In Most Countries, Traitors Are Executed – In America, They Join The Democratic Party’ The ‘Resistance’ Wants To Return America To The Disaster That Was Barack Obama By John Velisek – Ret, US Navy – All News Pipeline The progressive socialist party, commonly called the Democrats, are firmly in the … Click here to Read more

Hines Ketchup is a Soft Kill Weapon? The Country of Israel thinks so!

Israel bans Heinz Ketchup because it’s linked to liver, pancreas, immune system, and brain issues

The Hines company is owned by Teresa Heinz Kerry. Yes, the SPOUSE of Swift boat traitor, Former Senator and Former Secretary of State, John Kerry! Both members of the Communist Democratic Cult who’s platform includes murder of Babies and the reduction of the planets population.

According to this article, Hines Ketchup is a Soft Kill Weapon, as are most other processed foods!

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