Mini Bug Out Bag

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Creating and Personalizing a Mini EDC Pouch

Ray Gano | Prophezine –  EDC… you hear that term a lot in the prepper circles and it is starting to become more main stream.

What is EDC ?  … Every Day Carry.

I got the following email from a reader…

Hello Ray,

My husband and I enjoy your articles on Steve Quayle’s website and have found them to be really informative. I like your writing style and it seems like you writing specifically to us.

I have an idea and I need your help.

I want to make a mini EDC bag that my husband can carry on his belt. He is a business man and can not wear his cargo pants. So he really does not have anywhere to keep his EDC items on him.

The problem is that I do not know what to get him and what sort of things he might appreciate. We are new preppers, and I don’t want to waste a lot of money getting all that “cool guy stuff”, as you like to call it, but I do not want to get him shoddy stuff that is a waste of money.

Please point me in the right direction.

Thank you,


I started to write Bev back and thought, HEY… this would make a great article So I hope that you do not mind Bev that I will share this with the world and possibly help some other wives put together a “Mini EDC Pouch.”


Just so you know, my daily EDC is pretty minimal. Here is what I carry daily…

First…If I carry nothing else, I carry a knife and in fact the few times where I have ran out the door and forgotten it, I have stressed out knowing that I do not have a knife on me. I have two knives that I rotate…

Cold Steel Voyager Clip Point XL … OR

Cold Steel Ti-Lite 6”

Both of these are great knives and depending on where I am going I have one of these on me at all times.

Cold Steel Voyager Clip Point XL – this is a great all duty knife. I use this for just about everything. I cut meat, chop small trees and branches, skin a chicken, and it makes for a great self defense weapon. This is the knive that I carry most of the time.

Cold Steel Ti-Lite 6” – This is my go to battle blade. This is the knife I wear when I know that I am going down town and could possibly run into a situation. When people see this knife, well they kind of freak out because it is so large. I tell them it is my “pocket sword.” This thing is long. But what I like about it is that it is very versatile in the fight. You can use it as a kubaton, a fist filler like brass knuckles and when things get bad, flick the wrist and you can deploy the blade very easily.

BEV – Get your husband at least one of these knives. I do not know his day to day needs, but if you are worried about him getting into a mix up, get the Ti-Lite. If you are thinking day to day, get the Voyager Clip Point. He can carry this in his suit pocket and it will not weigh it down.

The other things I carry daily…

Tool Card Money Clip

Para-cord survival bracelet

Uzi Tactical Pen

There are many other things that I can add to this list and at times when I am totally “geared up” it looks like I am wearing Batman’s Utility Belt.

But when I started thinking about Bev’s request I have to say that I was getting pretty enthusiastic about her idea. “HEY… no more Batman belt.”

Here are the issues and what I am looking for….

1 – I personally do not want to carry a man purse / messenger bag. Those are to big and like it or not, the bigger the bag, the more stuff you want to add to it.

2 – it has to hook / clip to my belt.

3 – it would be great if I had room in it to carry more of my EDC items, but not bulky.

Well, I have to give credit where credit is due. My wife Tracye actually found the perfect bag. The Reebow Gear® Tactical Molle Pouch.

She sent me the link and WOW…. This thing is perfect and what is better is that the price is right. It ranges from $14.99 to $16.99 depending on the color you want.

The Reebow Gear pouch is a great organizer for big screen smart phone, camera, key, wallet, pen, knife, notebook, small tool etc small accessories, and even can be a holster. It has a lot of positive ratings and one guy even carries his Beretta 21A in it. Another comment also stated that you can carry a Glock 26 in this as well, which is what I carry when I am in C&C mode.  It is made out of CorDura, which is a really tough canvas material that takes a beating. Finally it has an external phone holster and slot to keep a tactical pen.

It has the MOLLE system attachment straps, so it can even be carried on a tactical belt or MOLLE vest or backpack.

The one negative that I have is that the canvas loops on the back that hook to your belt, well they can cause the pouch to droop a bit. Some guys may not mind this. Me, I like things snug so that I can access them quickly.

How I solved this is using the Blade Tech Tek Loc. This is a great locking mechanism that clips things that have the MOLLE set up to your belt. I have several of my larger fixed blade knives with this set up so that I can carry the fixed blade horizontally on my back clipped to my belt. This way I can pull the knife left handed and have a main weapon in my right.

The Blade Tech Tec Loc has all the hardware needed to make it nice and tight and hold it really well to you belt. It also has a locking mechanism that will then lock down and prevent what ever it is holding from dropping away.

This was a perfect solution to a small / mini EDC pouch.

BEV – this is your starting point; you can fill this tactical molle pouch with just about anything as long as it fits. I love this and I think your husband will also.

Gearing Up The Reebow Gear Tactical Molle Pouch

One of the main things I like about this tactical pouch is that it has a phone holster. I have a Samsung Note II, it is a tad big and I like a bigger screen. That is what happens when you get older.  But The Reebow tactical pouch holds it with no problem and it fits perfectly in the phone holster, and it is easily accessible when it starts ringing. If you use a blue tooth device then perfect, you don’t have to always pull the phone out.

Right next to the phone I can carry my Uzi Tactical Pen.

Uzi Tactical Pen

Folks, I love this pen and I have owned this thing for over 7 years. Back then I bought it for around $14.00. The price today is still around $14 – $16. It has some nice weight but not too heavy and really fits nicely in my hand. You can fill it with any sort of ink cartage. I personally like the .07 gel ink cartage because I like a thicker line when I write. The great thing is that I have carried this in airports and other “secure” areas and it has never been taken from me. Heck, even it is does, I just buy another one off of amazon. This is truly a worth while pen and a great gift to get any dad, son or boyfriend.

BEV – This is one of the first things that I would purchase for your husband. The Uzi Tactical Pen. Even without the mini EDC pouch, this is something that he can use daily and it might help save his life as well.

Swiss Fire Steel

Next, I am huge on having fire. This is why I carry a Swiss Firesteel on my key ring, I have one in my car and now have one in my EDC pouch. These things are great. They spark at 1200 degrees and you can spark up a fire in no time. Carry as small vile of cotton absorbed with Vaseline and you will spark up a fire within one – two tries. Try that with two pieces of wood.

Here is an alternative use for the fire steel… if you are somewhere and you do not have a flashlight or fire making materials, you can spark this and it will light up an area. It will give you enough light to find your way around if you have to. So… stuck in an office building and the lights are gone out, you can whip this out and it will cast enough light to help you find your way

BEV – Get your husband a Swiss Fire Steel. This is one item that could save his life if things got hairy. Everyone needs fire. Get a small plastic vile also for Vaseline soaked cotton and he can start a fire anywhere.

 Fenix PD35 TAC 1000 Lumen CREE LED Tactical Flashlight

Both my wife and I have one of these and they are great. In fact, I am looking at getting another one for my car. I have to get out and get our gate at night and this really lights up the area. Tracye carries hers in her purse. What I like about this is that if you need light, you can switch it on to its highest setting and it will light the area up big time. It has four settings and a strobe setting as well to confuse a possible attacker.

This also can double as a kubaton sort of weapon. It fits nicely in the hand and if you have to punch someone, this will help leave a solid impression on that person. This is a police grade flashlight, so it is waterproof and meant to take a beating and will not die on you.

BEV – This is pricey, but it is the best flashlight that I think is on the market. Forget those stinking cheap Chinese things that you see advertised. I have a few of them, but you drop them  just once and they are toast. Spend the money on quality and it will serve your husband well when he really needs it.

Small Travel First Aid Kit

What I like about this small first aid kit is that it is small. But it has a great plastic case that you can repack with items more suited to your needs. Maybe some Neosporin packs, iodine packs, or some other sort of first aid items that you think you will be more in need of.

Here are the highlights of this small first aid kit …

  • adhesive bandages, cotton swabs, safety pins, tweezers, mini scissors and multi-functional knife
  • Measures 1.8 by 4.2 by 0.9-inches

BEV – what I like about this is the case and for $5.89, it is a pretty good deal that is lite and small, but also has what your husband may need in a pinch.

SABRE Red Campus Safety Pepper Gel

I am a big fan of pepper gel and pepper foam. Cold Steel used to make a great pepper foam product, and if you can find some, that is what I would recommend. But SABRE makes a great pepper gel that has a few more pluses over that of the pepper foam.

This stuff sticks because it is gel. The SABRE peper gel even has training videos online that will help you and teach you how to use this effectively in an emergency. The shooting radius is about 10 feet with this product and it says that it gives you 25 – one second bursts. Personally I would spray the person down with this stuff.

BEV – This is a great product and for the price, you are getting your husband a good self defense weapon.

Cold Steel Secret Edge Knife

Not only does this make a great neck knife, but it is perfect in size for the mini EDC pouch.

First, I think that everyone should have a primary EDC knife that they carry on their person at all times. This is where my XL Voyager Clip Point or my Ti-Lite 6” knife play their role.

But I am also someone who believe that you need to always have a back up knife and this is why I am recommending the Cold Steel Secret Edge. Like 99% of the knives I recommend, I also own one of these and I love it. It is small, compact and it also doubles as a neck knife if I wish to wear it. You can slip it in your sock like a Scottish Sgian-dubh, which this knife is patterned after, in your back pocket, or in your mini EDC pouch.

What is amazing is that when I carry this knife, I really find myself using it a lot. It cuts open boxes and envelopes, makes a clean slice on paper, no problem with 550 cord, there are a lot of uses for this knife.

It has the G-10 grive style handle, so holding it and having a solid grip is a plus. It is a great tool and a great weapon. This is why I really like this knife a lot.

BEV – You get this for your husband, he will love you for it. This is one of those knives that every guy secretly wants. AND for under $25, you can’t go wrong.

Leatherman Skeletool CX Multitool

This is another pricey item, but it is something that will last a lifetime. I have owned mine for close to 10 years, or at least when Leatherman first brought this great multitool to market.

What I love about this is that it has the basics that you REALLY NEED. Not all the added on stuff that you think you need. This is truly the perfect EDC tool. Weighing only 5 ounces, it is the lightest full-size multi-tool on the market.

What do you get out of this tool?

The Skeletool CX has a large straight knife blade that can be accessed while the tool is closed; to open it, just place your thumb in the thumbhole at the base of the blade and rotate it out until it’s fully extended — which will engage the safety lock. This locking mechanism is noted with a padlock symbol on the tool. To unlock the blade, press the locking mechanism towards the handle until the blade slides past the lock.

Equipped with a universal bit driver, the Skeletool offers real utility options like no other multitool. To change the tool bits, simply unfold the tool and remove the bit from the bit driver — and pop it out. And replacing bits is just as easy. Just press a new one into position and you’re good to go. There’s even a spare bit located in the handle side opposite the knife blade. This tool includes the following bits: Phillips #1 and #2, screwdriver 3/16-inch and 1/4-inch.

In the plier jaws you’ll find a hard-wire cutter and a regular wire cutter. The regular wire cutter is great for softer grades of wire, but the hard-wire cutter is excellent for heavier jobs — like cutting and bending fishhooks.

Finally, the carabiner style clip also doubles as a bottle opener.

I have used mine like crazy and believe it or not, the knife edge still holds a razor sharp edge.

BEV – This is something that your husband will recognize as being top of the line quality. I have recommended this multi-tool a lot, and everyone who has ordered one was very pleased with it.

Field Notes – Expedition Model

These are great little note pads. The whole book is printed on Yupo Synthetic paper, a water- and tear-proof paper extruded from polypropylene pellets in Chesapeake, Virginia. Yep, made in the USA.

Everyone always needs some paper to write a note on and having this in your mini EDC pouch is a great idea. You get a pack of three of these for just over $9.00. Field Notes is a solid brand name and they really make their note pads to be used in the out doors.

BEV – This is something that is important to me. I don’t know your husband, but having some paper to write on when it is needed is a nice thing. Having it be water proof and such, well that is “cool guy” bragging rights at the office. This is kind of a trend setting item that can really help him.

Finally – A Couple of Silver Eagles

It is a good idea to keep a couple American Eagle silver dollars in your Mini EDC Pouch. Why? You never know when you will be in a situation where you need to have some quick money.

The good thing is that this is money that is difficult to spend quickly.  But in an emergency situation, people have offered services or it is used to purchase goods.

As always, I recommend getting your silver from Steve Quayle’s Renaissance Precious Metals. He makes it easy to purchase a few ounces just for a situation like this

Renaissance Precious Metals –

BEV – This is a no brainer, get a few ounces of silver so that your husband always has some insurance to fall back on.


Folks, in today’s world more and more people are looking at EDC as a reality, not something you see crazy people on TV do.

Believe it or not, everyone has some sort of EDC. Women have purses full of stuff, guys have their wallets, keys, change, ect. We carry much of the same stuff daily. All I am pointing out is why not carry stuff that might make life differences?

The The Reebow Gear® Tactical Molle Pouch is a great starting point. Add some or all the items that I am recommending and you have a pretty good EDC collection going.

Sure there is more that you can add, but this is why I limited myself to such a small pouch and not a messenger bag or sling bag. Again, bigger the bag, the more stuff you will add to it. This is a fact and any married man who has carried his wives purse for her can attest to this.

Folks, this will make a great Christmas present and I know that just about any guy out there that is worth their “man card” would totally dig getting something like this for Christmas.

Add some or all of the gear that I recommend and your husband, son, boyfriend would be the envy of all the guys.

AND… they would be showing off all the cool stuff the you got them and you would become the greatest wife in the world, not that you already are, but you would rate some major points with your man’s friends.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at

Stay Safe!

Posted with permission from Ray Gano

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The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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