American Gulags: Washington State Plan to Send Unvaccinated to Quarantine Camps

Another Blue State Announces Plans For ‘Strike Force’ To ‘Involuntarily Detain’ Unvaccinated “Emergency detention order” would allow citizens to be involuntarily detained and put in isolation and quarantine at the discretion of state health authorities. If you think this will not happen, or you are safe because you’re vaccinated, think again scooter. They WILL come … Click here to Read more

Total Police State in America will be the New Normal

Unless YOU   do something, and tell the Bastards NO! Deprogramming, Defunding, De-platforming and Soon-to-be the Delousing of FEMA Camp Detainees Represents the New Normal Dave Hodges | Common Sense Show – It is easy to recall the works of the communist prophet, Obama, when he called for a civilian military force that “was just … Click here to Read more