Will Mass Murderess Crooked Hillary Clinton soon have Her Day of Reckoning?

Will This ‘Mass Murderess’ Soon Have Her ‘Day Of Reckoning’? Pardon all of the Scripture — but I am trying to DRIVE HOME a point to EVERYONE! Proverbs 24:17 “Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth: 18 Lest the LORD see it, and it displease him, … Click here to Read more

Snopes Debunked on Claim New York Times Didn’t Collude With Hillary Clinton

Snopes, the left wing website that supposedly “debunks” fake news has itself been debunked after new Wikileaks emails revealed that the New York Times colluded with Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. Back in October 2016, Snopes attempted to debunk our assertion that the New York Times had colluded with Clinton’s campaign by … Click here to Read more

The Truth will set you free John 8:32

But in this case we pray it sends Hillary and her cronies to prison! What Happened? Truth Outed You, Hillary! Judi McLeod Canada Free Press – The public at large—who all along refused to believe the salacious contents of the infamous dirty dossier that Robert Mueller’s special counsel based his entire ‘Russians-stole-the-election’ investigation on—are not … Click here to Read more