Communist Mayor of Houston Texas is Collecting Blood Samples for the China Virus!

This Devil “strongly encourages” Houstonian’s voluntary participation. This is the frog in the pot of water to see what they can get away with!  And if you resist, they will haul you off to a reeducation camp!  Dem Mayor Launches Study That Will Collect Blood Samples From Randomly Selected Houston Homes Communist Sylvester Turner “strongly … Click here to Read more

Democrats in Sacramento want Citizens to Die by Stopping Quarantine of HIGH RISK PEOPLE

These Satanists should be arrested and put in a cell with the Infected! Natural News – Now we know the anti-Trump liberals in America are literally trying to spread the virus and make the outbreak worse. Three days ago, Sacramento County announced it was ending all 14-day quarantines of high-risk people who had come into … Click here to Read more