Joe Biden Mumbles Incoherently About the Lord

Romans 8:31 “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” During a speech in Georgia, the former Vice President made a statement that seems rather controversial but perhaps telling for a politician proporting to be the president-elect. “The lord isn’t to me or anyone else. … Click here to Read more

Is Scarecrow Joe Biden’s Brain Implant Malfunctioning?

Joe Biden Says ‘The Only Person Calling to Defund The Police Is Donald Trump’ Someone needs to fix the malfunction in Biden’s brain implant that he got from Elon Musk. It could be a glitch or it is wired wrong. It may even be one of his Inept handlers entering the wrong data, or his … Click here to Read more

The Great Disappearing Mailbox Hoax!

Another Democrat conspiracy theory “Trump is forcing the USPS to remove Mailboxes so You can’t vote” Tina Garrison – The real issue is the Democrats push for “cheat by mail” the only way they can steal the election! Just like all the other hoaxes they pushed in the last 3 1/2 years, the Great Mail … Click here to Read more

Democrats in Sacramento want Citizens to Die by Stopping Quarantine of HIGH RISK PEOPLE

These Satanists should be arrested and put in a cell with the Infected! Natural News – Now we know the anti-Trump liberals in America are literally trying to spread the virus and make the outbreak worse. Three days ago, Sacramento County announced it was ending all 14-day quarantines of high-risk people who had come into … Click here to Read more

The Old Democrat Party is Dead: Resurrected into the Communist/Socialist Walking Dead Party!

The Democratic Party Is Dead. By Ben Garrison | GrrrGraphics – It’s the Socialist Party now and it’s not just because Bernie is in the lead. No, all the Democratic candidates for president are socialists. They all want the same thing, free health care, gun confiscation, higher taxes, climate change’s ‘Green New Deal’ and an even stronger, … Click here to Read more

Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals

Now Full-Bore In Play: These Rules Explain Everything The Democrats Do It’s Time To Fight Fire With Fire And One Republican Has Turned Democrat’s Own Rules Against Them Note that Alinksy dedicated his book Rules for Radicals to his god Lucifer! Also note that his “13” rules are not coincidence. 13 is an important number … Click here to Read more